Wow its been a really long time since I've been back here. Some great things have happened since the last time I was on. My son, Raiden, is almost three. He's talking and learning and beening really cute. My wife, Liz, just turned 21 on thursday night. After four long years she can finally go out and get trashed with me. Its been really fun...
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Hey all just felt like updating the site. went with a new look and feel. no longer just me cause now me is we. Hope you all except my girl like you did me. if you see us on feel free to chat it up we're never to busy to talk. the little one is doing great he's up to almost eleven pounds now and...
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On june 26th i became a daddy!!! My son's name is Raiden James Neuman and he weighs 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 19.5 inches long! He is the cutest little guy in the whole world and i love him so much. ARRR!!!
Yesterday was a big day. My girlfriend and I went to get her 20 week ultrasound and find out the sex of our baby. I am happy to say that we are having normal healthy beautiful BABY BOY!!!! Thats right its a baby boy. And from what the ultrasound shows baby Raiden James Neuman is going to come out with my forehead and mommy's cute...
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That is awesome!!!! Wow. I am very excited for you!!! smile
its been awhile since i have posted ... but things have been so hectic with trying to get everything ready for my lil ones arrivial. 13 days til me and my girl find out whether we are having a boy or girl. I am not really sure which i would prefer to have but all i do know is that i cant wait for him/her...
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So happy to hear that things are going so well! kiss
Yeh, I don't smoke weed, I infact hate it, and everyone was saying to me "why go to Amsterdam". Damn I want to watch some strippers and have a good time. hehe.
I just have one thing to say : I gonna be a daddy smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

And Happy Birthday! smile
no problem
did you have a good birthday?
"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be ... In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." - Boondock Saints
Fucking great movie. if you havent seen it then...
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hahahhahahahahha let me start this off by saying i am drunk and listening to dropkick murphys. nough said. things have been going really good since the last time i updated. I found an amazingly wonderful girl who makes me happy to the point of smilling 24/7. I love her so much and i have been going out with her for close to 3 weeks. she...
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Things suck ... everything is fucked up ... I hate everything
hey, try losing your house and job and friends (those that survived) and being made to leave the only home you know, for an unspecified period of time.. try being a refugee.. then i think you'll aquire a more refined concept of "things sucking"... no offense mad
me too. i will cry when they are too worn out to wear anymore. thanx wink
Hey all whats up ... so much shit has been happening. ok ... back on the 14th started this stretch of binging and getting loaded ... dont get me wrong its been fun but shit has been happening way way too fast. back to the story ... so the 14th was my grandmothers 90th birthday party and my whole family from all around the country...
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aw where the fuck have you been. not commenting me or anything. Shame on you man shame on you. but sounds great man, everyone here is on dope, i just need a ye high and im good, come visit me mother fucker.

much love
HAPPY Cinco De Mayo ALL i hope your all getting as trashed as i am. Peace bitchs ARRR!!!
Happy belated Cinco De Mayo...damn im always late on this things. Well happy Hindenbergh crash.... (led Zeppelin) hah motherfucker ill make up my own holiday love love love love love love love love love love love
Good luck with your *cough* *cough* good times, call me sometime babe

Kayla puke

[Edited on May 06, 2005 8:33PM]