Has been some days, since my last post.
Its not because I forgot, but rather because nothing exciting happened.
Exams are done, not much learning to do right now so I finally have some time to spare to do some sports and catch up on my writing and painting.
Oh and I yous recieved news from my girlfriend that she finished her trip and arrived...
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So getting settled pretty quick here.
Joining groups, introducing myself, all done for the most part.
Did get my hands on a cam and found some old pics, so I added some albums.
And before someone asks, yes I have a knife on my bed post wink Never know
what can happen during the night.
Having finished this I finaly might have some time to do...
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It was great, until I started fighting with the boyfriend and when we got home I ended up kicking the bedroom door, so now there's a hole in it we're gonna have to pay for and my toe is all kinds of messed up. And my neck hurts sooooo bad for some reason.

And I remember a lot of walking around in the cold. Drunk and upset and scared and lost...

Its easier for me to say no to things once I've had a bad experience with them haha.
I think I'm gonna go with "weak door." tongue

The bf is "mad" but not really. He says he wishes I'd kicked him instead, so he wouldn't have to pay for the door.

And yea, we probably won't stay away from drinking, but now he knows my limit, and when I say stop buying me drinks, maybe he'll listen.
Its just weird cuz I'm not an angry drunk, but he said we were leaving the bar, and I walked out thinking he was right behind me, and I thought I knew the way back to the car. But I ended up get super lost somewhere in Kaiserslautern, so I think that's why I was mad, cuz he wasn't exactly looking after me, and he knew I'd had a lot to drink. :\ Dunno if I should blame him or myself for all that, but it seems more of a mixture of the two.
Evening everyone!

I think it's pretty obvious that I am new to this community. Looking at my empty albums, no groups,
no friends *sob*
Oh well, I do plan on changing that in the near future.
So if you happen to stumble over my profile, fell free to take a look.
willkommen bei sg smile
hallo! :-)