It's funny how life is. Some things get better while others gradually get worse. blackeyed
that's fucking true man! when you fix something, there's something that get damaged elsewhere!!
if you give me you e-mail i would like to send you a song....may i?! wink
Oh dear, thats no good at all. frown
Well hello everyone. I just got home from work. Another long graveyard shift. skull

To make it worse I feel like crap right now. It's my allergies, they're really kicking my ass. blackeyed It feels like I have the flu. Body aches and everything. I rarely get sick but when I do it's BAM!!! a kick to the balls lol biggrin

Well as of recently I've picked up...
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She sounds interested but I would say to tread very carefully. She may just enjoy your company and not want anything more than that so ask her to spell it out and explain that she is giving mixed signals. She's already said it was rebound so to her it may be clear that she's just having a good time without realising her attention could be taken the wrong way.
Human beings tend to be crap at open and direct information. surreal
I hate being a rebound. blackeyed

I finally went out with the guys and we ended up going to our usual bar. We ended up talking to these 2 girls that sat at the table next to us. I started talking more to one of them. Everything was going fine throughout the night. I miss that feeling of having and being with someone who you can...
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forget about her bro!! she's just a bitch! blackeyed
Sounds like it was a pretty rough experience bu try not to be too disheartened. Take from that night the little joyful moments you so needed and look at it that it was a picker upper for a night. Sounds crap but it's better long term than seeing it as a completely bad experience. Good that she did tell you, even though a little too late.
Hello everyone. smile

So I just got back from the shooting range. I went to get rid of some stress. You'd be surprised how much stress you can get rid of. lol I was there for a few hours.

I was using a 9mm Barreta and a Glock 40. I went through like 4 boxes of ammo. The weather made it better there with spring starting...
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Sorry to hear things are bad at home, hang in there. smile yea, sometimes a change in scenery would be best, I hope things look up for you. Take care! miao!!
O.k. so I've been trying to decide for a while on what to get...a chopper or a car. I'm leaning more towards the bike. It would be Harley of course. biggrin Either a Dyna Lowrider or a Dyna Streetbob.

As for a car I have no idea....any comments or suggestions?
I think thats why I like working for one family and in there home.
(the whole "thankless" thing)
My boss thanks me everyday and calls me her angel,
because she honestly thinks that it was fate that she met me so I could take care of her children.
The kids are great and my boss is pretty rad too
BUT I dont really know about her fiance.
They say they want to keep me , but I'm still scared.
Depends, what would the primary use of the car be? Price range? Any mountain driving? Can't make recommendations until we know what you like wink
Man I love Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. love

1 12 pack down 1 to go biggrin
I can see why it's soo hard for people to keep working the graveyard shift at my work....
It's fucking hard to stay up all night blackeyed

So far it's not bad but it's mainly the hours. I have no life now because of it. I come home and sleep during the day and then I'm off again to work.

I haven't gone out in such...
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want to make change of life with me?!....i'm always up at night so it would be easy to me smile
I have to admit I always found nights the easiets shifts as I'm a bit iof a night owl but the lack of normal social contact can be quite soul destroying.
It's still early days so I'm sure once your body starts to adjust you'll be able to start building a life outside of work again. It just takes a while.
Hello everyone biggrin

I know it's been a while but I'm trying to get adjusted to my new schedule. Things are starting to get a bit easier at work. The one thing I learned to make time go by fast is to stay busy.

Luckily the boys I watch after aren't that bad...just one or two. I'm there in their dorm all night with them while...
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Thats the most adorable thing i've ever heard you say. I just wish i heard it from your lips. You're so adorable sweetie. I miss hearing from you.. I miss you.

Well today was my first day at The Children's Shelter. I felt so out of place there. Everyone's so professional looking. whatever

There's so much I have to learn in order to become a Childcare Provider. The chance to make a lot of money is there. There are good opportunities available.

It's really sad...what these kids have gone through. These are children that were abused, neglected...
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YAY! We got the day off cuz the roads are too icy. biggrin

Thank you starstruk and pixiebelle smile
keep bleeding, keep fading, keep searching, keep pushing on!!!!
this is for the hearts still beating.... wink

this is for you my friend!!!!

"Their days are over, our nights are there"
Well let me start off by saying that I got the job at The Children's Shelter. biggrin I start on Monday with my training, which is gonna take 4 days. But it's all worth it.

But on another note I was witness to a drive-by.....more like a hit. That took place no more than a few feet away from me. skull

It took place outside a bank....
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Gotta love what this world has become.. Full of gang and drug related violence... Yay frown
Wow, that's fucked up, it's good that you guys were alright.

Anyway, congrats on the new job kiss .