Well it's official. I'm gonna have to quit my job. frown

I can't rely on my friend carpooling me cuz they keep switching our damn days off. So I'm just gonna have to look for another job and soon.........

I hope things get better soon cuz I'm at the end of my rope skull

Better than being fired.
I was. From Target-Starbucks. For calling off once!.
Bull shit.

I am also at the end of my rope and thinking about leaving town soon.

Good Luck with finding another job soon.
i wouldnt mind spending my nights playing xbox and drinking.
thats almost as good as reading harry potter till i fall asleep smile
Well this has been a horrible week for me. frown

The main reason is that I wrecked my car on the way home from work on monday. I fell asleep at the wheel and I went into one of those big concrete median things on the highway.skull Luckily I was the only one involved. I'm a little banged up and bruised. My shoulder is bugging me....
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damn, well im glad you are okay.
not having a car is teh suck.
Hey whats up everyone. It's been a while since I've been on here. Figured I would take a quick minute to update my blog and say hi to everyone.

This last week was hell for me. My allergies kicked in full blast and I lost my voice. puke I missed 3 days of work, so I'm gonna come out really short on my check this week....
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Allergies suck! Luckily mine havent been too bad of late which is nice. Less snoring and waking up with a sore throat and all. tongue Plus, snoring on a girl is just wrong! blush
Hope you managed to get some decent pics shot when you went out. biggrin
Man I'm so excited! biggrin

I just got hired for a new job and I'm gonna be working at Havalina Harley. It's a Harley Davidson dealership. I start tuesday. I pretty much got the job on the spot.

It's about time something good happens for me. So sometime soon I'll be getting me a Harley of my own love

How's the new job going? I hope you're well! kiss
Word! I just got my motorcycle license and am on the market for a Harley. I wont be buying new though, too much $$$cheddar$$$.
well it's been a while since i've written anything. sorry about that. whatever

well as another update to my girl situation, it went to the worst. she just blew me off completly. i havent heard from her in about 3 weeks now and i dont think i will hear from her again. frown back to being lonely again.

on another topic i've been looking into photography as...
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They might be good for some courses but I couldnt see how it would be effective at teaching you about photography. That seems like a real hands on course to me. I would save and wait until you could take a class with a living, breathing photographer as the teacher.
being lonley blows ass.
well this is an update to my previous post about my current situation with this girl i started talking to.

well we went out saturday like we had planned since last week i picked her up at around 2 and got a late lunch, went to go see a movie afterwards and went to the book store. everything was going fine until she had checked...
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his name is lil chris......i'll ask him how much he'll charge. he usually charges $100/hr, but if i sk him, he'll probably just give me a awesome close to solid price. im basicly around him everyday.
You wanted full color right? or like black and gray?.....and ummmmm....how big? where?..... surreal

man...that would suck *big time* if yall get serious and then she moved back to CA.

that is a bit of a strange coincidence....hmmm. blackeyed
I would talk to her and see just *how serious* she is when she metioned moving back to CA..... ....like ask her what exacly makes her want to go...why.......and what type of situations would make her stay.......stuff like that........it'll be weird asking questions like that i think.....its like an interview. hahahaaa.......but i'd ask.
Tough situation babe. How've you got on? Anything more happened?
Sorry I aint been in touch lately but losing track of everyone with work and such at the mo. All a bit chaotic and I've beena little selfish with my time.
If the situation's still up in the air I say spend time with her and don't put a lot of pressure on her. See what time brings and how it unfolds?
I know it's been a while since I've updated my posts biggrin

Well it hasn't been an easy two weeks for me. I've been so stressed out and confused blackeyed One of the reasons is that I started talking to this girl. She's a very cool person. We can talk on the phone for hours every night. I'm really find myself starting to like her. blush

But the...
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oh god. i know what you mean.......

since i try to avoid drama as much as i can...... i was just "friends" with the person untill everything seemed ok. I mean, the ex/bf was a ***phyco crazy in the head "i wanna kill someone...even myself!"*** kind of person. He joined the military and now noone knows where hes at.

but if this guy is just a "dick"....and thats it. (like if he doesnt threaten to murder you with a bow and arrow.) i say dont really worry about him. If both you and the girl feel fine together, let the relationship go as far as it can.

good luck.
ive never tried a koi fish.........or color.......maybe after more practice on my line work and coloring.

i know a tattoo artist that amazing at custom koi fish. and he has great prices.
Well let me start off by saying thank you to all of you for all the kind words about my pics. love

You guys really gave me a boost in my confidence about my photographs and getting me to consider this as another option in my future. blush

I've updated the My Photography album with a few more pics. I will be adding more soon.
So if...
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Nice photos man. You're got a great eye. I love the blk&wht as well. And oh yeah, no fair covering up the goods!! wink
Here's an old one of my pieces.

I took these pictures at a graffiti festival that we have here in San Antonio every year called Clogged Caps. I finally managed to go to one. So I decided to take my camera with me and take the opportunity to take some pictures. biggrin

Photography has always been an interest of mine and a hobby as well. It's something I do for myself, the sheer...
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I like them!

No close ups of the grafiti? That would have looked awesome in black and white! kiss
did you take any others?
Last weeken I went to a graffiti festival that we have here in san antonio every year called clogged caps. I finally managed to go to one and brought my camera with me and took the opportunity to snap away to my hearts contempt smile

Photography is one of my favorite hobbies of mine. I do it for myself, for the sheer enjoyment of it. It's...
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Thats it. It's over

My car FUCKEN BROKE DOWN!!!!!!! mad


I'm getting rid of that piece of shit

FUCK IT!!!!!!

What kind of car was it? Did it over heat? Starting issues? WHAT?!?!?!?! EL SUICIDO LOCO

Love the graphics you've done, very nice love
There are mad frieghts in ol' San Anton. Just find a nice lay up and try it out. It becomes an addiction. A constant quest for an even bigger and better masterpiece.