SO, finally returned from the land of death to the land of life
but why is it that I felt alive there yet dead here?

Well, maybe not dead but certainly feel as though I'm floating around aimlessly in the ether of limbo. Come for the ether stay for the ethereal artwork adorning the walls.

Back for almost three weeks and this is the first...
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A saw a flawless back today.

It was a work of art so beauty that it stole my breath from my lungs and brought a tear to my eye.

Perfection isn't supposed to really exist in any physical form but only within the confines of our minds.

How fair would it be if it truly existed to the touch but was completely unattainable?

well, I...
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Sorry, didn't realize the volume was up.

Never been much for these boxes. What's there to say? I've been living someone else's life for too long and I'm looking forward to be able to live for myself next year... Do what i'd like to do for once and not what is expected of me.

I'm weird in my ways, but who isn't.