I am so bored just do not what to do with myslef


I wish I had exscape from my life right now. this year started really good with my baby being born. now almost through the year it is nightmeare form hell. where to start. the big one my wife died on aug 24. I have 2 knee surgrys. I had to move back in with parents. living with parents makes me want to rip all my...
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I can't even imagine,  I am so sorry you have had to deal with all of that.  
I hope life is being much kinder to you now xxx
I am off of work today. I hate to say it but I am bored. I wish my baby girl was a little bigger so I could to the zoo or the beach and she would enjoy it.
Awww <3
sooo cute!
I am glad Monday is over. I have felt like someone has beat the hell out me today. drinking some beer getting ready for bed. everyone have a goodnight
well here it is 3am and my baby is wide awake. she is teething and sick. this whole single dad thing is very hard. I would do anything to bring my wife back. rip babe I love and miss u so much. this been the worst year of my life. besides my baby bening born. between the 2 knee surgrys on my right knee wich...
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I tired today. I feel bad for my baby girl she been fighting a ear infection. man this single dad thing is tough. is there anybody that can me some tips? thanks hope everyone has good weekend
Since you gave me a bit of advice, try this. Warm wash cloth over the ear and some children's tylenol. My oldest had ear infections a lot when she was young and ended up having tonsils and adenoids taken out. That cured the problem. But for quick relief the warm compress and tylenol worked wonders. Good luck. Oh and how's the knee now?
my knee is still messed up. thanks for the advice
well it is 3am and my baby girl thinks it is play time.
luckily my daughter isn't on that wave length this morning, but my dog is at 4am.

I hope you were able to get some more sleep!
not really she went sleep for little bit and was up 5:30 and is still up