So, I need to write. Not for any strong personal reasons or anything. Mainly because I need some practice. Some kind of joke huh.

So five shots in, and here we go. Half separated from everything I know. Stuck behind decoys like curves. And its the same old bullshit that I've weaved ever since. At least I have a place for now

speak softly the...
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I know I'm lazy.

But who cares

I'll blog when I blog

I hate the post relationship awkward conversations...
Early day.

Sort of.

I have rehearsal at 2. Then I have tech rehearsal at 6. I'm gonna be busy.

Then at 10 Alpha Psi Omega party.


I'd say I have no life, but I'm gonna be surrounded by people, and a few cute girls, all day
OK, so I've been lazy.

I haven't been up to par.

But hey, I'm directing a play.

Besides its not like anyone reads this.

I'm awesome.

Busy and tired.

But awesome.

Down and Out
April 18th
Christopher Newport University
Newport News VA

My genius will be seen

smile love smile

Oh yeah, and 7 days of sets I haven't seen. Todays gonna be a SG filled night....
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I've been sooo sick..

I love these girls sooo much.....