Hi everyone smile
Its been a long time since ive been able to get on and do another blog so i thought i should do another one.
I have now changed my hair from white blonde and purple to bright red and ive also cut it short with bangs. Going for the Bettie Page look, and i love it!
I'm currently working on how to do...
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Hi everyone,
its been a while since my last post so i thought i had better get off my backside and write one!
I can't believe we're into our 2nd month of 2010!! how fast this year has already gone!
Has anyone else felt it has gone fast or is it just me?
How has everyone spent the first month of this first year? Did...
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How was everyones christmas?
Hope that the jolly fat man in red found you smile
Best wishes for the new year
Wish everyone a magical christmas and a kickass new year!!
All the best and may the new year bring you new and exciting ventures smile
Luv yas
CherryB xx
Hope you have a very merry Christmas! smile
merry christmas to you too and a safe and happy new year smile
Hi all smile
I have just finished work and i am now wondering what to do...
It's an overcast and cold day here in lil 'ol St.Marys, any suggestions?
Luv yas,
CherryB x
haha, yeah new years shouldnt be any other way smile think im just working... so nothing exciting for me! haha
OUCH! I worked last new years, was very sad times, so I have to party for two years worth at once. Should be fun.
Why are there so many mean and horrible people in the world?
I only live in a small country town of a population of about 900 people and everyone knows everyone.
I had a friend come up from Hobart to visit me, which is about 3 hours drive away from where i live, and he decided to sleep in his car for the night, outside...
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Don't you just love it when it's a cool rainy day and you get to snuggle into your blankets, listen to your fav tunez and boppin to the notes buzzin round in your head smile
But even better is when you get to share these days with another...i'm unfortunately not that lucky so i thought i would let everyone from SG in and share it with...
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Thanks for sharing! I'm not so lucky either. Thanks for the love!
Hi, im CherryB. I love tatts, piercings, being different and showing people that tattoos are god damn sexy not just for the blokes but for us chiks as well.
I would love to make it into the Sucicide Girl scene one day, but for now i am happy being me and my personal canvas is gradually continuing to grow.
Your side tattoo is awesome. Takes a lot of balls to sit under a needle and get your tenders pricked!
hey smile how are you guys doin? thanx for the hit smile
Yeah my side tatt has taken a while and still has a bit to go on it but i totally love it. It didnt hurt too much, i'd have to say that the most tender bit was around my stomach and on the outer bits of my ribs, did tickle a tad smile
But hey, it's all worth it in the end x