So I’m currently thinking about cutting my hair. I’m sure to what length or style as of yet. So I turn you my Suicide girls friends. Please post in the comments a hair style of picture of a hair style you think would work. Please keep in my my hair is ungodly think and almost 70% ringlet curls when it is short.

This is my
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Noooo grow them longer :))
@avrora thank you
This rant comes from a discussion I recently had with a friend on the subject of nudity and the criminalisation of the sex worker industry. I find myself at a weird crossroads with people. Several people I know want to put an end to stigma of the human body. Be it through the “free the nipple” thing or whatever else. Then they look at nude...
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Oooh so true!!! Also, making money out your own naked bodies and because you chose and wanted to isn't a crime, so, let them so it, you know?!
This is so true!

Let me start by saying I’m huge into genealogy. I feel you can’t understand where you going if you don’t understand where you came from. My family was one of the first main established families in wales. We come have rich warrior stock in it blood. And bound to them kings as well. That’s what the crown like collar on the lions neck means. I’m
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With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching I’ve been asking myself what are things that turn me on, turn me off, and specific physical/mental requirements do others and I seek in mates. For me this is something that has been a struggle my whole life. Seeing how I’ve never been guided by the prospect of sex like most guys. Along with the urge always have the option...
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With Valentine’s Day this Friday what’s everyone’s plans. Me personally since I don’t celebrate the holiday. I’ll probably just be at home sleeping. Maybe kill some outworld scum in Mortal Kombat 11 on the PS4. I might have some plans if someone decides to take me up on my Charles R. Phillips Rental Service for a date. I currently have low low prices on my...
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I will sit at home. HAHAHA
@floxy home is where the heart and Valentine’s Day is all about the heart. Lol

No one nominated me got bored and stole this.

1. First app you check when you wake up in the morning? Emails

2. First broken bone? Never broke a bone fractured my hand though 2 years ago

3. First foreign country you ever visited?

None sadly, been stuck in the US.

4. First time I ever got into trouble at school? Can’t remember too many...
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@chroi mine still works oddly
@floxy nice, I knew I wasn’t the only person with a cool grandpa like that. No got over that really quick. My dad told that things in the light are a lot scarier. Boy howdy he wasnt wrong lol.

Okay so the other day one of my male friends made the comment “I’d put a baby in her.” I looked at him like what the fuck. He started to tell me how it’s the ultimate compliment you can give a woman. In his defence I can kinda agree with his reasoning in a very small dose. His reasoning is this “that you find said...
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Wrong thing to say, "I would love to commit and grow by her side" is even better, let's take away the sex factor
@melusine2908 I agree I like that better

In 2012 a down on luck single guy cane up with an idea that the kinda stole from a Japanese guy. He decided out of a joke to open the Charles R. Phillips Rent-A-Boyfriend service. Where I rent out myself to someone and stand in as a boyfriend for whatever you need to do. The first year I went to several weddings and family BBQ’s....
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This is very interesting, I read sometime ago about this rent service in Japan and how it had a big demand. Good luck to you!!
Thank you and it was probably either the rental family or the guy that rents himself out as father to kids without dads. The rent a father is actually the article that inspired this. It drums up some business not a whole lot. Thank you very much for the comment and the luck. I’ll need it lol

Yes this may come off as trivial and argumentative speaking. Honestly I don’t really care if it does. I’ve been single for the last 4 years for many reasons. My last ex constantly cheated on me with dudes that would treat her like shit. When I treated her like a damn princess. She like being treated like shit because everyone else did and me being...
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I am currently writing a short story that takes place in current times. I have decided I want to make one of the female characters a can model/adult content creator. As I would line to represent the community properly. I have a few questions I need answered. No, I will not be asking for pictures or video, nor will I expect you to answer any...
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