That's a great set hun. Plenty of talent. smile
Well I've finally gone and done it. After years of being hounded with the question, "Where do I buy prints", I've decided to offer a few of my prints online for sale. Okay, it's not really 'a few', it's more like 50!
These are super high quality prints, available in cards, laminated prints, large canvas, or framed.
As most of you know I'm a self...
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New video! This one took me three years to produce. Why three years? As I got more and more photography jobs I had to put aside this video more and more. But I never gave up! And I'm hoping you'll like it as much as I do.
Click click HERE to view the video.
I've also put up a few other versions for download. If...
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MicroChip Porn!!!
...or how I dissected a $5000 VCR for the sake of art.
For the real guts of the why's and how's each picture has a nice detailed
description. Except for the electronic boards, no piece is bigger than a golf ball. The
smallest piece, is about an 8th of an inch. All to often we see macro photography of electronics, and frankly, it...
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First up is a new shoot is up for a great new up and coming Montreal comedian. Sugar Sammy.
I first met Sugar Sammy on the set of the JoSH's music video, Baan Far Kay (feat. Sukhbir). Sammy was the MC for the video. This guy is amazing! He had me in tears laughing. So I made a short video of Sammy doing some interviews,...
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thank so much for commenting on my set. it means a lot to me! smile
2006 what a year.
Over twenty shoots done during the Summer months, from June - August. Over ten thousand pictures. A record for me.
I've had the opportunity to work with some old friend again who I never thought I would be working with again. And I've also worked with some amazing new people!
On the 'Old Friend' front.
I have two new sets with...
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hey sweety, thanx for the comment on my set, I appreciate the feedback kiss
have a wonderful week
thank u for commenting on my new set!
Hi there! Thanks for the comment on my set. I'm glad you liked it smile (yeah, what the other girls above said wink ) biggrin
Chaos Academy unveils a new Online Store.
EnTrance, the new Downloadable Media store goes live. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have just finished very personal project over at Chaos Academy which is now ready for launch so it seems appropriate to announce the store here on my SG site since it's music related, and hosts some fucked up content.
The new store is called EnTrance. The structure...
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woo! good luck with it!