Sooo...Since I've grown my beard long, I get the craziest looks from people! It is always the topic of conversation when I meet someone. Somebody's always got something to say about it. Kinda weird. I used to have a lot more girls look at me before I grew it out. Now I think it scares most of them away. Some girls like it and want to tug on it (those are the cool chicks
Should I trim my beard or leave it long? I don't want to trim it, but I'm just curious what you girls on here think of it?

Should I trim my beard or leave it long? I don't want to trim it, but I'm just curious what you girls on here think of it?
I think you should use it the way yo like it. There will always be chicks that like you and chicks that don't. I personally like hairy men, so I vote keep it!!