forget how I found you, but I think I bookmarked you the other day, and just thought I'd say Hi.
Hi, thanks for the welcome smile and compliment! I take it you're wanting to go pink as well? good luck biggrin
Congratulations! You're sooooo gorgeous!
congrats on the graduation!! gotta love beautiful girl grads wink

thanks for the comment. I think I might go with the nose ring kiss
Things I Did/Things That Happened.

My birthday last Friday.
Harvey Milk Day (same day as my birthday.)
Got tickets to see Depeche Mode.
Bought my brother tickets to see No Doubt.
Prom at the house of blues.
Birthday/graduation party.
Drinking shitty mojitos.
Bought a Patricia Fields whip, plastic motorcycle jacket and blue leopard print leggings.
Finished fucking senior project.
Got my stories back.
Went to...
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Patricia Fields whip and blue leopard print leggings.

quite original shopping!
Add to your list:

* Come to LA
* Meet up with theaceface
ahhh well...I thought that things by now would get better, but I still have a shit load of work to do. Harvey Milk Day is on Friday and I need to finish writing my stories. The magazine and newspaper are coming out this week and I need to finish the last issue. My birthdays coming up though, so I'm happy for that, but I need...
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Caroline laughs and
It's raining all day
She loves to be one of the girls
She lives in the place
In the side of our lives
Where nothing is
Ever put straight
She turns herself round
And she smiles and she says
'This is it'

'That's the end of the joke'
And loses herself
In her dreaming and sleep
And her lovers walk
Through in their coats

Pretty in pink
Isn't she?
Pretty in pink
Isn't she?

All of her lovers
All talk of her notes
And the flowers
That they never sent
And wasn't she easy
And isn't she
Pretty in pink
The one who insists
He was first in the line
Is the last to
Remember her name
He's walking around
In this dress
That she wore
She is gone
But the joke's the same

Pretty in pink
Isn't she?
Pretty in pink
Isn't she?

Caroline talks to you
Softly sometimes
She says
'I love you' and
'Too much'
She doesn't have anything
You want to steal
Nothing you can touch
She waves
She buttons your shirt
The traffic
Is waiting outside
She hands you this coat
She gives you her clothes
These cars collide

Pretty in pink
Isn't she?
Pretty in pink
Isn't she?

...I'm so happy. I finished my 10 page senior rough draft, the newspaper and magazinesmile And I just got my monthly bible.
That being "Nylon" magazine. (For those who don't know I consider Edie Sedgwick to be God which I would also consider the main muse behind "Nylon" magazine). This issue is definitely better then the last. Last issue the articles were shorter and not...
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Best of luck with the job hunt and schoolwork!
I feel like writing something today, but I don't know what to write about. I'm getting a job and my license over summersmile That's about it...Yesterday I saw "Factory Girl" for the first time. Yes for the first time. I love Edie Sedgwick and I was really critical about the film. Of course the film is not accurate but it's pretty good for what it...
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Wow you weren't kidding! I love reading what you write! Bettie Page was amazing and Gretchen Mole did an amazing job as her! You rock gorgeous!
... So I have not been on suicide girls for a while because I'm fucking busy...and pist. I have a lot of shit to say so get comfy.

BlahBlahBlah...Yes I have a lot of shit to do like always whatever. I like it better that way. I like having a lot of shit to do. I cant stand sitting on my ass and doing nothing....
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I just found your comment on my photos. A sexier version of Ray Davies and Keith Moon? I will love you forever for saying that.

And if you wanna do a scooter set, I would be happy to share mine. smile
You tell it! You're amazing! You're my fav! wink
...I'm feeling a bit better. For the past couple of days I had a little freak out. I'm so excited to go to San Francisco. San Diego's nice but I cant stand the heat and I'm ready to leave and live my own life. I'm so excited to go to SFSU. From what I saw on preview day last week it seems like SFSU is...
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Thanks! It's my first time seeing them in concert. I'm really looking forward to it.
AWE!! you are such a sweetheart!! i'm just i dont know i can and can't believe it i'm way way way excited thanks sooooooooo much for the love and support beauty!!

...I'm such a lazy asssmile I didn't do much today, just sleep, read and ate some foodtongue I'm super busy the next four days. Research paper, projects, photography, creative writing, newspaper... and the list goes on, but at least I have things to do and I'm not just on my ass all daysmile I'm definitely going to use these next four days off for exercise...
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...I'm feeling somewhat better. This next month will be total Hell though. Senior research paper, journalism, senior project, creative writing project oh and getting ready for college, scholarships, lit club, Day of Silence...
But it's shit I like. I need to read more. I have been a bit lazy with thattongue I'm reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk now. Next I'll read Oscar Wilde's "The Picture...
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For these reasons and many more, I'm krazy about you!
Welcome to the hopefuls only

I'm so excited about San Francisco. I've been extremely busy latelytongue but it's worth it cause I'm working my ass off towards San Francisco State University. This weekend I was up there looking at the school. Everything is old and beautiful and it's cold which is great cause I cant stand the heat here. Io wonder if anybody else on suicidegirls goes to SFSU? Probably....
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I am crazy about YOU sexy!