I'm incredibly bored at work right now. I have absolutely nothing to do right now so I'm killing time on SG. There isn't a better way.

Good news is it's 1:30am. The bad news is it's only 1:30. 4 1/2 hours to go!

I want to get a new tattoo so bad. I just dont know what to get or where I would put it. Its something i've put off for a while. I think sometime this month is a good time. just need to start thinking of designs. I'd like so expand on the skull on my shoulder but not sure how.

Any ideas?
good luck and post pics!
So I haven't blogged in what feels like weeks. I've been working all sorts of crazy hours and when I get home, I do not feel like doing anything at all. Not that this requires much effort but.. anyways. I had a much needed day off from work today because I went to Uproar Festival again last night in Hartford, CT. It was a great...
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Wow....$11 for beer....is it really good beer at least?
Well hopefully you come up with the best solution for you and what makes you happy. Good luck.
The beer wasn't anything fancy... Bud, Bud light, Heineken Corona, you know the usual. Nothing worth 11 bucks haha.

,,, and Thanks!
I have never been happier to have electricity. I guess it is very much something you take for granted. 14 hours without it was awful haha. I know i said I was excited to see it, I am ecstatic it's over.

Goodnight Irene... you bitch. lol

lol, when katrina came though my area, people went without power for almost 2 weeks (and i live in ohio)! i didnt, but i feel sorry for those who did, that must have been annoying!
it was very annoying. I know i didnt have it too bad. it just sucked i had to spend my bday doing nothing. lol
sorry i havent replied sooner, i have been so busy the past couple weeks. smile