y'all must of thought me to be dead.
i haven't updated since november!?
unfortunatlley nothing has really happened in that time period. EL SUICIDO LOCO
are you going to the burlesque show?
so, are you going to the burlesque show? i am going to try to make it up to cincy if i can that weekend, but on the 31st of this month i am going to the show closest to me down here in north carolina.

so, whats going on in independence? i used to live there, on hans pike, many years ago.....nice place. i miss the greater cincy area...someday i will move back..... whatever
doo doo doo doo da doo.

ummm, for a person to have the right to say they 'rejected' you, don't you ACTUALLY HAVE TO HIT ON THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!
i guess some people think WAY too highly of them selves.
robinella was great on halloween, btw. but it was also $18 fucking dollars!
my brain just froze, so i'll be back later.
yay, i'm on the bpc journal mailing list


AHAHAHAHA, that's nice. in the immortal words of lala you should have told her to EAT A DICK! ahh robinella. you don't happen to own a cd that you might be willing to burn if i get you a blank cd do you? i'm curious!!!
diggin the chops wink
I think I'm going to write a book. I mean why can't I just write a book, what's to stop me? diy.

sorry i left your party all quick, jodi had to pick up here boyfriend. thanks for inviting me tho.

that friendster shit is crazy! i'm hearing from all kinds of people from way back. funny thing is it would normally be something i'd...
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that's cool, next time you guys will have to come in and meet people. it ended up being a rather small crowd but the people that ended up showing up were from all over and most of them didn't really know many people there. they're all kickass interesting people!

writing the book is the hard part. you put your entire heart and soul into it and know it by heart. get it finished and revel in the high of accomplishment.
getting someone to publish it is the harder part or so i've been told. and then you have to worry about the whole business side of it and the editing process, what will they deem unneccesary or censor. or so i've gathered.

no shit, i've been talking to a guy and noticed a girl he's friends with that i went to hs with. and somehow i'm connected to the entire northside party group which is weird because i honestly didn't know there was a scene in northside until a few months ago hahaha.
a fucking live burlesque show! im fucking excited! too bad i don't have a band to lend the services to.

micah mentioned maybe traveling to pitt. for that one too.
i'll let you know soonabou halloween....
money is really tight.

party sat if you want to come i'll send info...
i'm going to columbine my work!!!!

never have i had so many people piss me the fuck off in one day, than yesterday. the one thing i had to look forward to was Unforgiven on PPV, but Ron's girlfriend forgot to tape it. grrrrrr. sunday sept. 21st is now known as Suckday, an offical holiday for northern KY. i need to go smoke a joint...
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i might have to do that!
i need something super cool to do on halloween.
i heard psychograss on the radio.
it was an instrumental hendrix cover.
i looked up halloween on madison theatre's website and it looks like there's other cool tunes that night too.

oh, one request,
could you respond in my journal?
otherwise i don't know you did.

i'm not sure...it all depends on if i have enough money when halloween hits. i want to!
the site redesign happened like late tuesday night last week. pretty funky, i like it except the banners. it's nice n fast too.
that new girl bathory is so F'N cute!

friday i'm in love.

could tonite be another boring nite? probably, but a pint of jag, could help that out. biggrin
goddamn you yawfren.
get your damn computer fixed.

it's time to vent out some frostrations here(the folllowing contains excessive amounts of bithching and moaning)
ok 1st off i sunk my lowest and took to internet route to dating for THE FIRST AND LAST TIME. and i also think that certain people should put on ACURATE PICTURES so i don't drive in the rain to some...
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YES! Goddamn Yawfren all to hell...make her come back now!
i miss yawfren. frown frown frown

it's such a lonely site without her. well at least for me cuz she's the only person i talk to.

mmmmmmmm... new erin. love

damn i'm stoned. i heart kind bud.

i think my eyebrow piercing is migrating through my skin. that sucks but it's to be expected. i am off work today, and it's actually nice. so many people went back to nku today, but not me. i'm heading back in the spring.

made my farewell binge to the white lady this weekend.
got electric 6's and yeah yeah yeahs new albums, kick ass!
also got 'Ring' the book Ringu and The Ring were based upon. it was just recently traslanted to english.
all in all a pretty good day.
cool, your a little squished though hehe!
you don't happen to know
any of the hennessy boys do you?
what like Casey?