im really happy! I have an amazing new boyfriend who really likes me and i really like him. i have two good jobs and im saving lots of money. life is so good right now! love
i'm in a really weird mood. i dont like feeling like this. im missing a lot of things right now. i look back at how my life was and i feel so stupid for throwing it away. ive made so many mistakes and hurt people who i care about. i think its too late to change things, but i really wish it wasnt. i need...
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It's ok to make mistakes, that's how we learn and become stronger people. In my opinion there is never a point where it's too late to change. No doubt sometimes it gets harder to do when things have be building up over time, but you can always make the effort. Only thing is you can't change anything that's happened in the past and rethinking past mistakes never helps. Just step back and take a breath, sometimes that helps me.

I hope this helps you.
i should be studying right now, but this is much more fun! this is my last week of school. then i start my second job on friday, i hope i like it.

this year is going by so fast, i barely have time to stop and think. but its good i guess, i would rather be busy then not doing anything.

ive been doing a...
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Being busy is good. It helps you ignore your problems.
That's why I'm going 7 days a week.
It's a VW GLI. It's rock on 4 wheels.
im going to boston for a week! im leaving tomorrow. i can't wait!!! biggrin
So... how was Boston?
i'm starting sierra college on monday. ill be taking classes four days a week, monday through thursday. and ill also be working six days a week. oh my! i hope i dont get overwhelmed! but ill be glad to be busy again. ooh and i cant wait for the tattoo convention in reno thats in march!!! is anyone else going??
Might I recommend trying to transfer to UCD? I love this school, it's a cool town and a good place overall to get a degree. (I wont be here in two years though.... so sad)
haha! you hung out with my roommate last night, crazy.
so i love massage school and i only have two weeks left! its sad, but it will be nice to have free time again. ive been so busy lately, its a little crazy. i cant wait to become certified and start practicing. smile life is pretty much amazing right now!
wow that sounds awesome, it's really a rare thing to find something in terms of career choice that you can actually enjoy and support yourself.

If you were near me I would totally want to be your first customer! wink
im starting massage school a week from monday.
i hope i like it and its not boring.
im also starting to play the drums again.
and i wanna take a dance class.
maybe ballet, because i took it for
seven years when i was younger.
but i guess i'll have to wait because
im not going to have much free time,
after i start school.

sounds like you have a lot going on!
thanks, I like your tattoos..TOO! lol
just got back from my first year at burning man.
it was insane, to say the least. eeek
words cant even describe it.
its unlike anywhere else in the world.
i drank so much and it was all free.
i loved it, but im happy to be home.
and to actually get some sleep.
thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!
please tell your friends about my hopeful.. I really want to be a SG and I nedd a lot of comments!!

you are so cute!
God I love reno. It's funny, I've been to the nugget more times than i can count, because my lovably yet dysfunctional and ginormous family meets there so that they can gamble and get drunk together, and celebrate god knows what. Also that rib cook off is soooo amazing... best ribs evvver. I went last summer, but I believe I've already missed it this summer.

Well it looks like you had fun in Reno, and the new tattoo looks good on you. Do you have any plans to color it or add detail?
so im trying to quit smoking.
i havent smoked at all today.
and im seeing how long i can go
before i break down and have to.
has anyone done it successfully?
cuz some good advice would help.
im just kind of winging it right now.
i hope i can do it. mind over matter.
thats what i keep saying.
im feeling a little better today.
my grandpa died on monday.
it was very shocking.
even though he was old.
i didnt expect it.

but warped tour is next week
thats gonna be fun!
and then burning man!
i hope i survive! hehe

Hey girl, my condoleances on your grandpa, it's always hard to loose someone close, no matter how old they are. But, awkward as it is, life goes on... i wish you all the strenght in the world to cope with this. BUT: Warped tour is a good remedy. wink -xxx-
I'm sorry about your grandpa, my grandmother passed away recently and I didn't take it well. It's not easy, or at least I still don't think it is. But how much you miss the people you lose, reminds you that you'll never forget them and how much you really love them. It's not much but I hope it comforts you.

Have fun at warped tour and burning man, geez, wish I could go!
i hate it when people close to me die.

today was a shock.

and now im sad. frown

Who died? If you don't mind my asking
so sorry to hear that.

its never easy to loose a loved one.