To all those who just want to meet someone who will just make them happy, stop your fucking crying. You've already met that person, just look in a fuckin mirror.
School sucks ass. Hooray for masturbation!
have you noticed that certain pics on suicide girls are gone? check it out. just look around.
So just had my first day at work in the ER yesterday and fuck what a day. I got one hour of sleep the night before so i worked for 12hrs. and dont know how the fuck i didnt die. It was cool though, finally gonna be makin a decent amount of money. FUCK YEAH!
I"m just tired as a floppy cock today. Worked 25 HOURS from Sunday to Monday and spent all day runnin around like a fuckin mad man to finish all the shit I had to do today. But it was still a good day. Got some sweet plans for the weekend!

Stay up, Stay Nasty.
So yeah today was a good day because I think I finally got a decent routine for my first stand up comedy act. I'm going to The Comedy Store in La Jolla soon to check out amatuer nite and about a week after that I'm gonna do my first standup. I'll probably suck but hey I guess you gotta get started some how. I'll post...
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Why? Why is it that whenever I come up with a brilliant idea for something I wanna do, I never have the equipment to do it? Some cruel act of being a poor brown man. Oh well fuck it. If anyone happens to read this and has a camera for sale let me know for how much. I got a great idea for a Palahniuk...
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umm...why is the risk of your nipples being burned in a fire so high?
ah...yea...wow...that's gotta suck.