I haven't updated this in ages.

There's a new incarnation of the band, the bassist is sat on the couch singing kareoke badly with my girlfriend. My new flatmate is drunk and watching me type this, i have work in 6 hours, i couldn't care less.

I just have to make it through the 8 hours, then I can hit the pub!


For a start, any activity that I have to leave the bedroom for on a Sunday, is generally one that I'll avoid. Having to get up at 7:30 on a Sunday is just plain wrong.

But I'm glad I did.

The Paintball matches went something like this

1) We wiped out the entire opposition, so all I had to do was walk down the course,...
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never played paintball but looks like LOTS of fun
update update update!
I Hate Nat-West

It's taken them 3 weeks, 6 phone calls, 2 letters, and 4 Appologies to finally say "yes your loan account is not in arrears, it was a computer error"

Well no fucking shit, mother fuckers.

Going out with my parents tonight, mom's birthday meal, mmmh curry. Looks like next week's curry night is off, so instead i'm going to go out for...
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It's getting worse, caucasian psychosis is setting in quicker than it ever previously did. This is not good, neither for myself, nor the people I love.

I don't know if it's the last couple of weeks but the world is slowly starting to get to me, I was happy, I thought everyone else was happy, but the people that mean the most to me to...
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Last night was unique, but i'm not sure that's in a good way or a bad way. And certainly in retrospect when you manage to hail someone a cab on broadstreet at 1am on a Friday night, you'd think they'd stay in it. mad

I'm a little worried about one of the guys at work, he seems to be turning into the old me, which is...
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I haven't been behind my kit for almost two weeks now, it's starting to show, I twich whenever there is music i like playing, the air drumming is getting out of hand, people think I'm having a fit. I Must get down the lock up today before I loose it completely frown

After falling off my new bike quite spectacuarly this week I've found out that...
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This may possibly be the worst kind of group whoring that SG has ever seen, but you never know, you might like it?! wink
Just got back from off roading it through the rain with Dan, I ache, I've covered in mud, and I need a shower.

Things to buy:
1) New Bike
2) Hose Pipe

ARRR!!! Arrrr!
Well Fuck Me, it's been over a month since my last post.

The reason for this? Well not a lot has happened, I now have a new kitchen, I've been to one of my old friends weddings, which was truely wicked, I'm about to go to another wedding.

My friends was just perfect, kind of a mix of tradition and modern. No hymns or anything...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile
Happy Birthday!!
Been a week, actually a little longer.

Nice to know that people out there actually listen to our CD's rather than just using them as drinks coasters biggrin

Thursday was painful in many ways, first off the bat I end up going arse over tit in the middle of broad street, then my hardware case falls on me, so I'm still limping around after that.
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Not a huge update today, because, well not a great deal has happened in the last week.

Brought the MC Honky album yesterday, it's... interesting. smile

That's pretty much it for now.

ooo, just thought I'll share a dream I had a couple of nights ago after eating far too much curry.
I was on mars, and had a huge green top hat on, then these...
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hehe was just in my housemates room and saw a copy of your cd floating around smile (lol it was actually on top of stuff, not buried underneath stuff)


apparently he got it free from the promo you did at 9bar smile

funkeh eh? smile at least you know your cd's are getting kept and listened to smile

[Edited on Jun 20, 2004 7:52PM]