I am a straight white male, I grew up in a house with a yard, my own bedroom, both parents and an older sister in the suburbs, went to college and got a degree. While I am now employed in a job that doesn't use my degree I still work full time. All of these things have allowed me certain advantages that I did not...
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Very powerful text 💖

You can separate them and each part is good on it's own. We all know the truth though, they just belong together and can't be beat when combined.

(Generic photo found from Google search, I do not own any rights and am not trying to profit in anyway from this image so it falls under the fair use laws)


A certain @munky_love666 had posted on her Onlyfans page a poll question where one option was "not dealing with bitches." Full disclosure, I first met Munky IRL and signed up here to support her goal of becoming a Suicide Girl. That said, this goes beyond anyone woman, and can apply to most women if not all. As a male, the following is my opinion based...
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Though I will say that I do not think highly of women or men or any classification that cheats. I don't think it is nice or deserved in any manner. And usually I do use the term "bitch" as in a bad ass or a strong independent woman, but there are times when the true definition of bitch comes out (female dog) that can be very fitting to any person not just women.
I don't really like country except old Kenny Rogers type, so didn't know the song. It was more a stream of consciousness thing at 2:30am on my night off lol
There are signs everywhere saying we card EVERYONE. Why do they give me a hassle when I am required to scan their ID? Yes I know and have seen yours before, but I have to scan for every purchase of alcohol or tobacco, every purchase. So stop being bitchy about it when I have told you 5 times before today I have to scan it. You knew, you chose not to bring it, it is your fault dumbass, not mine.   Sorry had too many people complain about it at work last night.