The Listing spree is on, tonight I'm already ten new books in (8 more yesterday) tonight its classics time, three different copies of Little Women, Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood, 2 Volumes of the Jungle Book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Pride and Prejudice to name ((more than)) a few
Here's a start with Little Women:

swing into the shop for the
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Got a whole bunch of new toys in last week so Ive been hard at work adding new vibrator books into the shop BookEndDesigns After Dark (in addition to the rest of the regular hollow books for the original shop) I've been trying to up the quality of the toys I use without having to add much to the prices, hopefully I'm hitting the...
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Great Horned Owl Pen and Ink drawing

Well they didn't quite upload in the right order, (still getting the hang of the new SG )but you get the gist.

I start with a light pencil drawing of the basic shapes I'm looking for and I use crowquill style dip pens and ink from an inkwell and at the end I use a little bit of
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Wow I really love it !