- on bluemerkitten's photo
- on bluemerkitten's photo
- on bluemerkitten's photo
- on bluemerkitten's photo
- on bluemerkitten's photo
- on bluemerkitten's photo
Hey all,
I got some less than stellar news yesterday, my home test came back positive for COVID and I'm expecting the send away test to be the same since I have symptoms.
I'm feeling pretty rough but not completely bed ridden yet so fingers crossed it won't hit me too hard. I'll try to keep you updated but you'll have to forgive me if...
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What's this!
A wild Easter Merkitten has appeared!
Not sure what this is all about? Check out my website for more information on my virtual Easter egg hunt! ( https://blueg1rl.com/bluemerkitten/bluemerkittens-virtual-easter-egg-hunt-2021/ )
Hey all!
I know I've been a bit quiet but I have some cool news! I have a PO Box now ^_^ so you can send me love letters ;p or regular letters haha.
Obviously no pressure to send anything but this is something I've wanted to try out for ages and I'm so excited to see if anyone does send me anything hee hee...
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