I wonder how many things I don't see because I've never had a name for 'em. Tiny things I'll never notice because I've never noticed them before. Sounds work this way, languages. Once you get to a certain age, if you haven't ever been exposed to the idiosyncrasies of a foreign language, you can end up havin' a hard time effectively hearing them. This is...
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Well, there's so n' so minutes to go 'fore the end of this year's May Day, so I guess it's pretty durn time to say hello. Nothin' special this year, really, just a wink n' a nod to everyone in the know, y'know. Everyone should have days to think about friends. This one is one for me.

So, Happy May Day, folks. It's good to...
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Laaaast night
I got wasted
Soooo I
Could end the day
Old...Joe...Pena and Iiii
Sat there well basted
As the Blur....
Faaa-ded away.....


I think i got into philosophy initally because public school left me so starved intellectually that i couldn't help myself. The first philosophy book i read was Plato's Phaedo, and within the first 20 pages i had already decided to be a philosophy major. Looking back now, i realize that i could have taken something more marketable, that could make me more money, but why? It makes me think of a quote from Marcus Aurleius "When the rich man and the poor man go to die, they lose one and the same thing."

What i realize now is, there are probably a dozen or so philosophies like Taoism, Buddhism, Platonism, Stoicism, Epicurianism, etc. that can help me justify why it is okay to not have a lot of money or many things, even why it is better to be that way. But there isn't one damn thing that i can buy that, on my death bed, will make me think "You know, having this really makes it okay that i never got to know myself and to ask the really big questions; having this was reason enough to live." Maybe it is all futile, i'm willing to accept that; i'm just not willing to bet on it.
Security is definetly important. I would appeal to Maslow's heirarchy in saying that without security, most people, myself included, would be far too preoccupied with just surviving to have time for philosophical introspection. I organized a two credit pass/fail class on Taoism, and we were discussing the difference between the striving and rather materialistic life that is fairly celebrated in America and the more simplified taoist life. One of the girls in the class said essentially the same thing, that she doesn't really want lots of stuff but she does like the idea of having healthcare in case something happens.

And i definetly take your point about one job vs. two or three. I have one right now but i will almost definetly have to get a second one soon, and i don't like the idea of working 12 hours a day, or giving up my weekends when i would be reading and writing and thinking. And trade school is not a bad way to go at all. I think in going to trade school and learning a unique skill, there's a greater sense of significance in that than doing the generic kind of office job that pays okay but not well, and seems utterly pointless and soul-crushing.

I don't know if anything could have detered me from majoring in philosophy; as i said, the public school education left me a little intellectually starved, so i basically gorged myself on it. I think if i had been exposed to it during high school, i would have been able to just incorporate it into life instead of focusing on it professionally. But, woulda shoulda coulda didn't. I do, however, think that what philosophy in particular provides that is very wanting in other studies is strong writing skills coupled with strong critical reasoning skills. Assuming you don't focus on the highly realtivist trains of thought, philosophy allows you to see through a lot of bullshit that other people take as truth (which, unfortunately, can get you in a lot of trouble).

Incidently, i don't know if you're part of the Question Everything group, but i just started a thread on the question of the basis for human rights if you're interested.
Not much to say, really. Maybe tonight after work I'll have something a bit more fascinating to relate. Or, you know, maybe not.



*Update - 12:25 a.m.*

...nope, nothin' much to say now either. Go figure.
All at once he knew the answer
All her life she was a dancer
But no one ever played the song she knew.

biggrin theyre ok, trying to enjoy my vacation, dreading going back to work... meh









HAHAHAHAHA! Beardo, can you teach a class please?? First off, your journal fucking RULES. Second, thank you for you observance. How are you anyway??
Har --dee-- har! No one,but the person in question became "Done" after our argument. And your class should be about the ins and outs of being a guy on this website!!! shocked biggrin
So right now Kt is up in Philly checkin' out Slim Cessna's Auto Club with Blake. This weekend, my Pop and my brother are gonna trek up to see the Astros take on the 'Nats. Both these events fall square in the catagory of "things that I would be doin'". But instead, I'm sittin' at home alone after a long night of work.

Damn, it's...
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I can just imagine Slim sounding like that. I really can.
*Engage Brag Mode*

Y'know, any woman what wants to get with me needs to have two things - a strong back, and a strong stomach. 'Cause the good lord knows, I ain't pretty. But, shit, give me the chance and I'll just absolutely wreck your shit.


That's right!!
Intertwining. Self-Designing? It's been a long time since you've been with yourself, man.

'Course, you choose your own ways to feel. You are in charge of your own reactions, no one else. Tenkan at its highest level.


p.s. all went well, much food for thought...in bed
Where ya been??
Weeeeell, wish me luck folks, 'cause tonight's the night. We'll see how it goes, I suppose.....

Current song: Shaking by The Cows

Good Luck.