TLDR: I just gave myself a pubic piercing and it looks amazing!

Back in autumn 2022, I had got myself a few new piercings and was considering what to get next. I was increasingly drawn to the idea of getting some sort of genital piercing, but reluctant to get anything 'functional' as I was worried about what possible future partners might think. So I looked...
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Well, if it looked like a horror-show when it was fresh, it's even worse now that the bruising has had a chance to fully come up. Looking at it, I suspect it'll be a week or two before that clears, by which time there will doubtless be lots of discharge and crusties to deal with. It may be a while before my pubic area looks entirely healthy.

Damn it. For some reason, if you press control-Z to 'undo' something while typing out a blog post, it doesn't just undo the last few things you typed, but instead undoes a huge chunk of typing; potentially paragraphs and paragraphs of text. And there's no working 'redo' option, so everything you've typed will be gone forever. This isn't the first time I've managed to lose...
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Yeah, using a separate editor to type everything out would have been the sensible way to go.
I use Evernote for my longer blogs, links, etc. then cut & paste in the text & add links & pictures.  Saves a lot of frustration but it’s more work. 🍀

What's the most popular piercing to stretch?

I don't have any hard numbers, but as far as I can gather, of people with stretched piercings, the piercing that they are most likely to have stretched is earlobes. Septum piercings are also a popular choice.

On the other hand, in terms of the proportion of people that have them that choose to stretch them, I'm pretty...
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not a huge fan on stretched piecing for my own body but on others I do like! 👍🏻

I've spent most of this weekend in Daventry playing small-scale wargames at the Epic-UK Grand Tournament. In terms of actual performance in the games, I came last. But I did still come away with an award to put with the one that I took home last year.

I always dreaming about being a game master, but Im completly lame at this 🙈
Well, based on my performance in this tournament, I suck pretty hard at it, too! I guess learning to enjoy not being good at something is a skill in itself.

Yesterday I made a post complaining about being stuck inside with Covid instead of doing all the fun things I had been hoping to this week. But it was kind of whiny and so I deleted it. Instead, I'm going to post some pictures of the bedroom walls of which I have been seeing so much recently.

I first moved into my current house back...
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There's something very odd about using a dating app and coming across the profile of someone you already know in real life.

There's a strange conflict to it. On the one hand, it's intriguing to look at their profile and see how they choose to present themselves in this particular medium.

But at the same time, it feels slightly inappropriate to be looking, like it's...
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I remember seeing the profiles of some women I knew IRL that I was casually interested in and saw it as an opportunity to better decide if I my interest could be tipped toward them further. Interestingly, I always came away deciding I was no longer interested in them.
There was a dissonance.

WTF? It was only around a week ago that I stretched my earlobes up to 2.5mm. But now this evening I find that I can easily put 3mm plugs into them. They just slide right in. It's a snug fit but not uncomfortably tight and certainly not painful.

I was expecting to be at this size around the end of September. How have my ears...
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You really wanted to and your body listened 😁
Ha, apparently so. That's a lot more obliging than my body usually is with this sort of thing! But it is frustrating: I keep seeing ads for all these really nice plugs and yet I won't be able to wear any of them until the middle of next year at the earliest. So anything that speeds the process along is good.

A funny thing happened the other day. I tried putting a ring in one of my earlobe piercings. And I hated it.

I mostly like the look of plain titanium in piercings. It has a simple, clean and clinical appearance that I think looks good. But I do think that just three plain studs in my earlobe is maybe a little too plain. So I...
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Hmm. Well, that time-line turned out to be bollocks! It's early July and I'm already at 3mm. Next stretch is a big one, though, so I don't know how long that will take. Still, it's starting to look like I could be at 6mm well before next summer; possibly even by the end of the year.

OK, so clearly there's no such thing as a piercing that is exclusively for one gender or the other. Specific genital piercings may be only available to people with the right kind of genitals, but even that doesn't necessarily make them gendered: there's no reason why a trans man shouldn't have a nifty VCH or a trans woman shouldn't absolutely rock a Prince Albert.

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I hope you love how it looks! 🙌🏼✨ good luck, don’t faint!
Thank you! I haven't had any trouble with fainting when getting pierced before, but I guess there's a first time for everything! My main worry is healing, as I normally sleep on my front so I'm a bit concerned that I'm going to end up irritating it.

Since having needles driven through my flesh seemed like it would probably be less painful than seeing a billionaire benefits scrounger being given a gold hat, I went and got two new piercings this afternoon. So my left ear now looks like this:

I still have some way to go in healing some of these: in addition to the third lobe and helix piercings that
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So, it turns out that if you mention on Reddit that you have a Prince Albert piercing, you will soon be inundated with PMs asking about it.

Most of them are actually quite harmless, just curious guys who want to know more about the process, usually because they are considering it themselves. And that's fine; I don't mind answering questions. I actually quite enjoy being...
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I really need a new profile picture. The one I'm currently using here (and on Facebook) was never great, and now it's about five years old it doesn't reflect my current hairstyle or facial piercings. Particularly seeing as I'm thinking of giving online dating apps a try again, I really need an updated photo.

Trouble is, getting a photo that is a. recent, b. an...
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Well, at last I have a new photo. It's not great, but I guess it's as good as a photo of my ugly mug was ever going to be.