Just recently shot with the beautiful Lauren Jones and she told me she was interested in shooting a set for SG. You think she has what it takes?


So I had to put off shooting for about a week. I accidentally dropped my camera in the ocean while at a shoot in Malibu last Sunday. Unfortunately my camera didn't make it. The good news is that I was able to order a new one and I should have it after this weekend. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't...
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This was shot a couple weekends ago in beautiful Morro Bay with the also beautiful Andrea. I have worked on about 4 shoots with Andrea now and I couldn't be happier with the results. Next weekend I will be shooting with another model in beautiful Malibu. I have to take advantage of this great weather while it's here.

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Trying to throw myself into my art. I already work 45+ hours at my regular job but I find my self bored in my down time. This was a really recent shoot with a good friend and model Renee.

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Shot this early November last year of my really good friend Aimee. Every time I look at these shots I am in awe. There is nothing more beautiful than the female form. Change my mind...I dare you. Screw a sunset. If I went blind tomorrow, I'd be happy knowing that the last thing I saw was anyone of you beautiful gorgeous women.

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New Job and family obligations had me running around like crazy. Life happens and I had to slow things down a bit. Things are a lot better now and hopefully I'll be around a little bit more. Keep making that art.

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Did a quick shoot the other day with the lovely Sabrina. It feels good to be shooting again. I am going to be renting studio time down at FD Photo Studios towards the end of this month if anyone is down for a collaboration. Message me for details. Hope everyone is doing good.

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Beautiful shots!

Couldn't think of a better way to end the year other than to finally shoot with a model whom I have been wanting to work with all year. The unbelievably beautiful and talented @jaymarieport . I had so much fun on this shoot. I can't wait to do it again.

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Ok so I had started my original account a while back and never put any real thought into what I chose for a username. When I did decide on a more appropriate name I was told I couldn't change it. So......I ended up cancelling by account for unrelated reasons but decided to come back and guess what??? I started from scratch and now have my...
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