Ive never done my SG hopeful homework since I became one back in may. I think it's pretty safe to say I'm failing SG. How am I still allowed to be a hopeful? I have a lot of catching up to do. Since I reciently discovered where the homework topics are stored I'm going to do my best to catch up and stay on top of things. I really would like go Pink and don't need anything holding me back. With that all being said this week's topic was "what's your favorite SG group and why" (I don't remember the exact words but it was along those lines. For anyone who read my short blog titled "who is Atlas Addams" then you know talking about myself is something I'm not very comfortable with so this is weird for me. (Eek awkward tangent) ok so it's been extremely difficult for me to pick my favorite group because I love them all. I've been posting a lot in the butt love group. Don't remember the exact name but yeah. Not only because I have an ok butt, I just love butts so I'm comfortable in the group with all of the other butt lovers. Although that's the one I post in most I also like the sex talk group. It's where I met some of the awesome guys I now follow. I'm a very sexual person and love talking about it and giving advice etc. I'm in a relationship so it's fun to hear other people's stories and sexual fantasies I feel like I'm participating when I can't in real life hah it's cool to get new ideas too. I'm most comfortable in that group because I feel I can actually contribute to the convos. It's a subject I know a thing or two about. I'd say that group is my favorite. Animal love is a cool one too. I'm obsessed with my pug so that's why. Anyways that completes my homework assignemt for this week. Hope you all enjoyed my short novel of random thoughts. Xoxo