Patterns of life. What does it take to change the patterns that seem to look in your existance. How do you break them? I wish I knew. All I know is that things jut keep repeating themselves, over and over. I just need something new.
We all walk around in the world with our eyes closed. We fail to see the beauty in the mundance. We saturate our being with pollution. Advertising, perservatives, perscription drugs, alcohol, and celebrity news. These are the pollutions of humanity.

We waste our potential everyday. We need to open our eyes and live. We need to fight back against the agencies that limit us. Our...
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i hate toasters because i have had to design over 100 of them in my ID class... i just finished my model of one the other day. took me like 30 hours or so to build - nonworking model of course.
What is the Point?
Really, truly. Why are we Here?
What is it that we are here to acheive?
To grow into fiercer animals?
To breed and die?
What is the Point?