Fuck I deleted something I thought was really important, but it turns out fuck you I hate you fucking computer instead.

grrrrr FUCK!

It was really fucking cool and now its gone. This is the only line left of a couple pages of observations

"We have perspectives and beliefs that influence our emotions which influences our thoughts and actions."

The summary:

I have been many...
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My parents are such aristocrats.

My mom pulled out a vacuum cleaner and didn't know how to turn it on.

"That work is for the plebs"

Oh brother, :p
ahahahahahahahahahaahhaaaaaa! ..that really made me laugh like that. XD
me me me me me me me you you you you you you you


The progression of thought.
I will buy back every regret and sell back only tents to hide your body
Let the lights french kiss the two worlds
Entangle them far from bundles of laundry tossed onto the floor
How much can we decide when its all right here?

Wait wait wait but you feel it too I know you do.
For I am not alone, we are not alone...
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We're always pretending to be someone we are not. We act as though we're educated, mysterious, dumb, cool, ridiculous, happy, sad or dramatic; anything we can use as a lie to impress. Nobody pretends to be boring...nobody except me. haha

The thing is when you've got it you don't flaunt it. Showing off to those without would be rude, unless you seek appreciation accompanied by...
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Maturity will help you forget all the mistakes you've made.
You will think "oh how different I am than yesterday, I do not know what has happend"

I thought I made something no one else could, but it was soon repeated and then I understood.
Dear Diary,

You know not of true sacrifice and until you do, you will never gain. For this is the law. The more of yourself (time, thought, individuality, emotion, limitations, entertainment and body (there is more to be added)) you sacrifice the more you gain. To gain completely you must sacrifice it all. To play in the sandbox of the mind you must only believe...
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Wow, that was an interesting read!
Dear Diary,

Impress me less.

I think your cute in a cool kickin it way. Your always laughing having fun and your outrageous.
I like outrageous like I appreciate civil. How cool it is to be different.

I'm putting away the peacock's feathers. I'm taking up average appearance.
If people can't see me then I don't need to be seen. I keep getting out of...
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Oops I did it again.

How often do you masterbate?

For me its really my mood. Sometimes I beat it till it won't come back up, othertimes I get bored and move on. I have better things to do than coat my keyboard in gooey release. Plus my dogs always dig around the trash and chew up the cum rags. I feel bad sometimes but...
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the cats like ro rip that shit up too. once my grandpa told me my grandmas panties were so dirty not even the cats would touch em. i was 11. i understand now. ha.

ps...id hit it. what a hot fucking sack of shit. happy birthday to me! now gimme some cake baytch!
my dog would love them too.
If you look like a pimp and act like a pimp, people think your a pimp...even if your not whatever

In other life news gas is cheap.
people got hos. in different area codes.
you know no one else picked up on that...tongue