It's funny how these past few days have gone... I think this is one of the best weekends I've ever had. I was so ridiculously happy. My friends used the word "giddy" (ps. I am NOT a giddy kind of gal). My boy (toy wink ) came to visit me for a few. It is not often that I get to see him, let alone spend...
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i wish i was a professional photographer but im still just starting out.
yes distance is difficult. i think its probally one of the hardest thing to get over in a relationship
It's queer, but I kinda like the snow. It's the quietest this area can ever get at night (or at all) . If I had a backyard to hang out in when it happened, I'd so be there.

Oh, but fuck the driving though! wink
I enjoy other people's artistic abilities. I wish that I were more creatively inclined, but I think I only use the other side of my brain. whatever Part of the fun of this site for me is to see photos or other art that people have done and how sets are composed. I just think all of that is so amazing.

Waiting is terrible. Patience is...
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i cant help you in your country dept., but as far as good music goes, i'd recommend Kruder and Dorfmeister (electronic/chill music), Cave In (fucking ridiculously good space-rock-sounding band with beautiful lyrics), The Strokes, the White Stripes, any Third Eye Blind, any 311, and of course, any Smashing Pumpkins. ;D
yeah the weather is starting to piss me off now dammit!! i wish it would make its mind up! surreal

thanks, glad you liked it! smile
Back to the grind after some time at home. I probably should have been reading or something, but tv and mini trips were just too tempting. smile But I got to see all my kids (my dog, my cat and my cute fuzzy horses) and some friends while I was there. Only two months until graduation!!! Between getting thesis and other stuff together AND prepping for...
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Why, thank you (about the pictures).

I didn't know horses could be fuzzy....?
fuzzy snuggly wintertime horses are the bestest! but so are slick shiney summer horses too... hmm what a tossup smile
Today was so draining. After working this morning, I had to drive home in a snow/freezing rain squall. Just what I need with my unreliable car. At least I made it here in one piece.

I had the obligatory dinner with part of my family tonight. Most of the conversation pertained to an email I had sent to everyone basically saying how absurd it is...
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If love is what ya need, heres a bunch. kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

My stance on gay marriage is simple. I don't care if other people marry because it does no affect me in the least.Even if someone is against the practice, I asked a friend recently, give me one good reason why the Government has any right to stick it's nose into the marriage business. That's what I don't get. As for the tax dollars on something I am against thing, I don't like my taxes used for making orphans the world over, either so can I have it cack?
I feel for ya, but I know you will endure. I have learned that people with no compassion for others need compassion shown to them, too. Sometimes they just have an old belief that dies hard.
Hang in! And one more for the road. kiss
Guess what, the Government is going to take my taxes regardless of what I agree with or don't agree with. I have no stance on the present state of our countries affairs, if I had to say anything I would say something to the effect that we really need to stop worrying about everyone else and start to worry about ourselves. America is a ticking timebomb of self-destruction. We concentrate on all the wrong things in the country, if we stopped fighting over who loves who and actually start to love one another this place would be worth fighting for... I live in the most ignorant country in the world, and Africa has the least schools per capita...
Great night last night. Wish I could remember more of it. My remaining friends (we're on spring break) and I went to our usual bar, where there was a good band playing. Now, I had met one of the members on their previous tour through our little town, so I had reason to go, say hi, whatever. Unfortunately I was a little too excited about...
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's cool. I was just kinda hoping it was a typo, seeing as how, you know, I had a comma out of place one time and you just HAD to say something wink

Which is fine. I'm a quote Nazi. Somebody misquotes something and I'm aware of the fact, I let them know.
Honestly if I won the lottery I'd be set...donate half to a charity, and the rest would cover teh expense of buying a music production studio, and go to my family.

Haha your method of picking up guys works on me! wink

Avoiding work. Really, what difference does it all make? Who cares how Spike Lee used sound in film? Well, I used to. But then writing about it killed the magic of it, so now I'm in hate mode. Damn you thesis!! mad

I hope everyone else's week was better than mine. Thankfully the weekend is near, so there's a little respite. Respite? Sometimes I just come...
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From dictionary.com

"Amalgamation: 2. The mixing or blending of different elements, races, societies, etc.; also, the result of such combination or blending; a homogeneous union "

save you the trouble wink

i didn't even notice my error, either. that's the kind of mistake an english teacher would point out. usually with red ink and an arrow tongue
oh aren't we riding high on that horse. I turn bullshitting into an artform. you'd just make it sound better using big words and stuff!
Ahh, I love weekends. smile My friends and I hit Philly last night, where I not only got free cover and had the bouncer pay for my coat check, but two guys just randomly bought me drinks. I didn't have to ask them or anything! (I saw the bartender pour them, looking out for that whole unfortunate drugging thing that sometimes happens...)

I'm really excited for...
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hey lets get an apartment together so you don't have to go back to Jersey and I can get he hell out of this fuckin town and on with my life!
Hello...where are you going to school?... Oh no are you gonna be a JerzeyGirl this summer?... Don't leave Philly! Oh well have a GREAT weekend wink
What a nice boy that Asvetic is. smile I find it shocking when someone buys me lunch/dinner/anything... It was fun.

Okay, so it seems everywhere there is talk of sex or people having it or whatever. This is a recent occurrence and I don't really like it. It just reminds me that I ain't gettin any. frown Which makes me bitter mad And frustrated blackeyed

Alright, alright... That is...
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The sad thing is I go to a mostly women's college too. Of course, everyone in the class was shocked and the whole school was talking about it afterwards...but still, sad that that attitude exists here.
do you know who the actor is?? weird. I never really knew. it was just a weird cartoon crush.

I am forever haunted by boys with J names. The most recent one was a Jason, as was my first real boyfriend. The second boyfriend was a Jared, there have been two other friends with issues named Jared, two Josh's, a Jorg, a few Jeremy's, a Jimmy, Jim, John, Johnny, Justin, a Derek who wanted to change his name to Jack...gah.
I thought I was in the clear. But no...
My roommates got me sick frown I was doing really well too, but today my throat started to hurt lots. Also, I don't know why, but I'm having trouble with the cough drops. They keep sliding down, so I must have ingested about two whole ones already. So retarded I am. *sigh*

This is my to-do list...
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Hey, you're really cute. Just thought you should know love
hey thanks for the lunch date, that was fun, sorry it just felt so sorta thrown together and completely un-inspired. Bryn Mawr is pretty and I do like the area, I just don't think I could afford to live in a place like that. Work yes, live no. So I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope I do find a nice job near there and an equally awesome apartment close by.

Thanks for keeping me company and showing me around for those 2 hours. We'll have hang out again. smile
Friday night at home. That is just fine with me. It's been a crazy week and a really busy day, so I am looking forward to sleep tonight. smile

I finally have a profile pic! Since I am not good with the whole computer picture stuff, my buddy Asvetic made me this. And I am forever grateful. kiss

Tomorrow is the dreaded day. I have absolutely no...
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Well, the weekend mostly consisted of drinking. It started at TGIFridays on Saturday, then continued at Bennigans later that night. After sleeping until 3pm on Sunday, the party resumed in the form of a friends birthday. After going to Hooters (which is by far one of the shittiest bars on the earth), we went to Chucky Cheese's for some unknown reason. Mind you, I wasn't drunk. After playing Ski Ball for 2 hours, we retired to a friends house, and knocked back a case and a half of Yuengling. I woke up today around noon, and thus realized that my weekend was over. Thankfully, I don't have to work until 1:30 tomorrow.
Yeah, parents as Valentines kinda suck, and probabaly should have stopped in the 6th grade. It was the only card I got this year, and all I got in it was an air freshener for my car (no flowers because, well, I'm a boy wink )