Halloween 3 ways (no, not like that, you perv):

1. I left bread and milk out for the spirits. No, I'm not pagan, wiccan, or even Celtic...like the ba-gua over my door, I just like the idea of it. Apparently, though, the spirits are more of the essence-taking rather than the actual eating type...so I used the bread for croutons. I hope that doesn't get...
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So, this was just me:

"Hey, I'm almost out of food and kinda broke. Let's see, what do I have...oatmeal, goldfish, croutons, condiments, marshmallows, flour, milk, baking soda... I know, I'll make soda bread! Michael Pollan, you can suck it; my bread will only have THREE ingredients and none of them yeast!
Okay, now I'll get the flour down aaaaaaaand...................NYAH! BLAH! WEEVILS! ...........Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiilllllls."

The thing...
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My cheapass cooking for yesterday - because I'm apparently scheduled for my Winter Head Cold of the Year this week - was egg drop soup. The recipe looked like this:

In a first pot, boil whatever veggies you have on hand, chopped up, in enough water to cover them or a bit more. For me, this was two carrots, a leek, and a bit of garlic.

Bring a second pot of water to a rapid boil. While stirring the water, slowly pour in some whipped eggs. (Because I want mostly protein, I use just the egg whites, leaving only one yolk.)

Pour the second pot into the first. Add salt, pepper, a drop of sesame oil, and a couple bundles of those noodles that were on sale at the store. Because noodles aren't cheap enough as is, y'know?

The traditional recipe is done in a single pot, just starting with a soup stock. But I don't want to give up the chunky veggies. I just needed to get them out of the way long enough to stir in the eggs to their proper whispy consistency.
Simplification: Cook the eggs in first, then add the veggies to the same pot after. Turns out, you can't overcook the eggs.

So I've always wanted to do a couples costume, and I'm kinda tired of being a fairy. I've been a fairy something for the last three years because it allows me to do ridiculous face painting and makeup. Last night I told Boyfriend that I was considering being a candy raver (i.e. lazy, because that's just my BM clothes with...
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I predict you will be carrying a certain tribe friend in your suitcase.
Review, Remedy Salon in Berkeley:

That's it...from now on I'm only letting my hair be cut by a bunch of beer-swilling perfectionist lesbians. Four stars all the way!

Also, I have bangs! I will post pictures when I don't look like this (I just woke up too!):

I just bought a giant pink wig. This is the song I am singing in my head: "I've got a pink wiiii-iiiiiiiig, I've got a pink wiiiiiiii-iiiiiiig, I've got a pink WIIIIIII-IIIIIIIG and Ima stick a boat in it!"

That's right, I'm finally going to fulfill a childhood dream: http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/books/episode_detail_078.html#

It will be a lego ship with little lego men swimming for dear life again...
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I trust I shall be seeing this wig on the playa?
I reserved my room for Sunday night in Reno.

I'm so excited I might actually EXPLODE.
I'm in Reno for the 30th, too!
(And the 7th or 8th, I forget.)


I just bought a pee funnel. I am incredibly amused, perhaps even gleeful. Now I can wear bodysuits without having to get undressed to pee! WOOT!

You just caused me to click a link for a pee funnel video in a crowded Internet cafe. I hope you're happy with yourself.

Best. Wedding. EVER.

The bride wore a beautiful red pre-raphaelite dress. The groom wore a skirt. They were escorted to the altar by pony-boys, and no, I'm not explaining that to you. The wedding party consisted of the bride's best friend, and the groom's AWESOME father. The priest wore a kimono and white gogo boots. The non-monogamous couple primary-ied each other (at which point I...
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Bloody hell...I wrote a blog, posted it, realized I didn't want to post it (it made me too stalkable), and now I can't take it down. Theoretically, I should replace it with something equally witty and interesting, but I'm having a total brain fart and can't think of anything.


Here is a brief lesson in grammar. And believe me, you asked for it.

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Not and adjective? wink
How can one avoid the baguettes in France?

Off to Barcelona. I hear there's a fantastic hedge maze.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I blogged!
Really? My fair tourguide had a local saying regarding "Better a warm beer than a cold German", regarding the frigidity of some of their Western neighbors.

But then, I'm the master of not getting laid. 3 years running of celibacy at Burning Man! Woo!