Chocolate party this Monday the 13th. Full moon, too. On a Monday, my Sabbath, the restaurant I live above is closed (so lots of parking available) and it's the day before V-Day so it won't interfere with anyone's plans. Mwa-ha. God, I'm a genius. I've got this bitchin' chocolate pie recipe I'm waiting to try out. I can't wait for the sexiness to ensue.

I whet them on my desire
as they sharpen
for the latter to blunt
I've finally watched Fargo in its entirety after seeing it in bits and pieces here and there. I believe, contrary to the populace, that it is not a depressing movie. It's all about the final scene with Marge and Norm. Watching all these schmoes and psychos bumble around and fuck up and bleed everywhere actually makes me feel pretty good about my own life.
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My Job is Smellier Than Yours:

Ever smelled 40 pounds of dead python that's been cooking under a heat lamp for 12 hours in a humid basement?
Me neither. But Charlie called me Monday night to tell me such a thing had occurred and he'd disposed of the body, but could I please clean the cage when I came Tuesday morning and air out the...
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What disturbs me most unnervingly is that it's almost entirely bereft of hyperbole - such was the particularly hysterical and obnoxious shade of my horror at the time. It's admittedly garnished with a little over-pocked attention to detail and maybe the slightest twinge of embellishment for the sake of literary licence (I was feeling somewhat righteous in my histrionics), but it's all pretty much 99.8% accurate. Oh, the bilious, greased-for-your-pleasure horror.

The extra-large pump comes cheaper (as it were), you know. Spend an extra $2 or something equally upsetting, and you get an extra 50ml of vile stickiness. I imagine my sick over-lubricated twat of a brother thinks economically about these things.

Ooooh, ummm.... I can't remember very many specifics, largely because I rather neatly blocked out some of the more painful fundamentals of that night through a combination of sheer classical Freudian repression, and the magnitude of soporifics I took simply to actually sleep. I do rather shockingly remember something to the absolutely repulsive effect of
i will keep on loving u forever
there is nothing big enough to part us,
u r everything to me
because ur mine, together as 1,

Oh, the bloody horror. There aren't enough [sic]s in the world.
burned black by the grinding ground
what's left of us
becomes crystal

Leaves and Thorns
One comes to a point
the other
tapers to an edge
What am I doing up this early? Short series of short poems!

Plum & Plumb

The skin so dark
the flesh so bright
one drop condenses
on your curve's apex


One hand
held like a trowel
enters the dark earth
New Year's was a bust. That's all. I almost wish no one had showed up just so I could be more satisfied with the fizzling. The fact that things only mostly failed (but not completely) is sort of more frustrating. Blah.

Oh well, fuck the expectations of New Year's. I'm off to get on with the new day.

ha! thanks darling!
It says FAULTY ITEM on my chest in the video by the way.
who doesn't love a good story
After much waffling, "No I'm done with social networking sites, even if they do contain hot naked ladies..."
"Well, maybe I could stick it out. Try and make friends"
I've decided to stay. As a part of this effort it seems I better start posting. That and my writer's group hasn't been meeting due to the holiday obligations of its members. So... today was unfortunately...
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A horribly over-stylized combination of misanthropy, literary nerdiness and a painfully socially deprived adolescence, I'm afraid. Though flattery'll get you everywhere, petal - my tremendously nasty thesis supervisor thinks I "overwrite". wink

As in the Archer adventures?