
i havent been laid in 2 possibly 3 months. HOLY HELL!!
this is the longest i have ever gone....EVER!

IT'S HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my birthday is in 8 days. what are you getting me? kiss
Three months! How can that possibly be? eeek
Three months! How can that possibly be? eeek
i bought a really cool shirt today.
Where've you been, taking more pictures I hope.
Wana get high ?
Check out my journal
Love the ultimate high ?

Peace, Love, Libery
shit the bed! i'm alive!
i see a lot of people are no longer active on this here website. what the fuck? maybe its like one of my unactive spells and wont last long? hmmm

well, well... i havent been on here or written anything of importance in a long time.

well i'm in salem, oregon right now visiting family. old people go to bed...
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Yeah, I'm definitely sick of people asking me the same shit, but you had enough interesting thoughts on my junk that I would be happy to indulge them. (Q1)First of all of course it hurt, if it didn't everyone and their grandpa would have one. How's that for a mental pic, sorry. I got both apadrayvia's done one after another. Those were the worst, there are two layers of muscle in the head so it was like 4 piercings, and that skin naturally stretches so the exit wounds didn't come easy. Oh and they took 10 months to heal. The rest, other than the PA I forgot to put in, weren't bad except for the money and the patience it took to gauge them. (Q2)As far as being hard, apadrayvia's I presume, thinking about that makes me want to cry. The morning after I woke up with morning wood from hell, and it would not go away for an hour. blackeyed I was thinking about a frenum ladder, barbells which run up the underside of the shaft and need to line up, so hard would have to be a must. I probably won't do it because of the cost of 15-20 piercings, but who knows, I haven't pushed the reset button on my soul lately. (Q3+4)No a guy did it and it was for the best. Not only is he one of the best in the world(seriously not bullshit) but I had enough to stress about at the moment without trying not to show my immensely uncontrollable enthusiasm towards a girl and her needle. I'm getting turned on just writing that. How's this for back to reality, he was gay too, but completely professional.(Q5) The 2 at the tip, and the PA for that matter would definitely reek havoc on your insides especially in a certain SPOT. My rings hold many secrets including multiple insertions, a handle to grind the bean, and I don't call them doogie door knockers for nothing. I almost forgot, as you can see, I flip one up for a cock ring, and those 3/4 inch balls envelope the clit.(Q6)The ones I don't wear all the time are the PA(pain in the ass to piss) and the 2 rings are replaced with barbells. The rings stretch me out to the point I've sat on my boys before. That and you can tell those aren't my keys making that noise.Some other questions- no they don't rust in the shower, yes I can get through the metal detectors as long as I'm not wearing the rings. If I had a child it would not be born with braces. I don't have to run for shelter ina thunderstorm, they have been known to screw up TV reception. I do plan on applying a small electrical current through them, when practical. And finally when I'm 80 and in a nursing home rockin the wheelchair I'm going to have hydraulics put in, but no ground effects, that's just creepy. THAT'S ALL

[Edited on Dec 29, 2005 11:24PM]
well you can't have it all tongue but those aren't horrible aspirations for a new year. you never know what can happen.

as for the dude - does he just not want you or what? do you know this or are you assuming?
tonight was quite eventful. i watched 4 lesbians play some drinking game and get totally naked. then one of them was laying on my bathroom floor half dead. turns out shes a diabetic and had been tweeking last night and had entirely too much to drink. so being almost the only sober one it was quite rediculous.
and i have cramps.
and i didnt get...
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i am sick of dealing with bull shit. everyone's bullshit, even my own
. if i could i would shoot some innocent citizen walking down the street right between the fucking eyes. then i'd curb stomp what was left of their face.
then i'd remember that they deffinetly didnt deserve it and i'd walk away laughing because that was so unfair, but it sure did...
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that is pretty violent, right on, go to a bar and start some shit like a drunk a-hole smile Then when some bitch gets up in your face smack her around and feel better.
wow... you are STELLAR!
my fuckin car got stolen at my apartment last night.


if you are a meth user: i'll see you in hell mother fuckers
That totally sucks about your car, it's a cool deal i'll see you at ambrosias haha small world! i'll have to introduce myself... i'll be in costume though, with face paint and what not. My friend Nathan, he's a tall skinny guy, he goes there a lot so you might even know him, anyways, thats killer you'll be there too. 91 years old and workin temp for a tattoo shop, you're one bad ass granny
i have to get blood work done in the morning. i really really dont want to. i passed out twice and had a small seizure or something the other night so they're going to see what's wrong with me. i like my blood where it is and i'd rather not have them stick a huge ass needle in my arm and take it out. mother...
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Hey the 29th at Ambrosia 8pm on 4th street by king pizza, there is a going to be a huge party, and they're doing 10 dollar piercings (jewlery not included) and they are having discount on tattoo's too. Anyways, it's a costume party too, with refreshments and what not, door prizes, and a prize drawing. It's going to be pretty sick you should check into it.

Sorry if that was kinda random, I don't know anyone else on suicide that can benefit from the info.
oh my sweet baby jesus! seth re-subscribed me again. because he's the shit and he loves me.

i just got back from danzig. fuckin' good. that's all i can say about it.
Welcome back i missed ya
Rightous, more people in the NW smile
oh shit its been so long. i dont have the internet at my house right now, but seth resubscribed me because he is the shit. only a month though. i need to get my shit in gear and do this shit myself. well nothings new really. i just work and i almost got attacked by some creep walking into my crack head appt. last night....
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Hey. I'm new to the area. Just saying hi.
aahah... i found you

good day /nods*

(spotted your sg buckle at the king the other day)
fuck fast food. i dont know why so many people eat it. it's fucking gross. those who have worked in a fast food resturant will know what i mean. no one washes their hands, no one wears gloves...eww.
correct fuckface.
yea i dont eat that crap. i watched supersize me, and it changed my mind about eating that stuff. ..plus all the stories about workers peeing in the pickle jar and jerking in the special sauce.