tomorrow is possibly going to be the worst day in the world. actually...the next two months are going to be so horrible.

he's leaving.
tomorrow wont be the worst day in the world, ...well yea maybe, It will if you are gonna be here. I'm wicked evil. \m/ love
ooh yea baby, ill make the trip worth it !! eeek
oh crickets! it's been so long.

so im on vacation, living from my car. i was in desperate need of a scenery change. i basically packed up and left with just a days notice. my mom thinks im pregnant and not coming home. my dad thinks im on a drug binge. i think theyre both fucking retarded and need to calm the fuck down.

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when you return....you must meet up with us biggrin
come to NY Ill give you sex >smile
i'm getting away thursday. i dont know when i'll be back.
fuck meth.
fuck it. fuck it. fuck it. fuck it.

i'm fucking sick of this shit. i have watched a lot of my "friends" completely destroy themselves for this shit. it's fucking rediculous. it's always sad to watch this happen but when its someone you care about and has so much going for themselves it's depressing. fuck meth, fuck the northwest, fuck tweekers.

my ears...
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I know what you mean about the meth, My little brother and all his friends are into it. He runs around homeless most of the time, starving, he will go to my dad and go to work for a while, then when he has money will go eat then go back on the drug bender. It is really tough to watch. I live right in the same area as you, In southwest montana, Meth is a huge problem there too. I have spent allot of time in spokanne, was actually there yesterday as a matter of fact, It really sickens me to see how many people are burnt out on it. I know what you mean about wanting to get out of there though, when ever I have to spend the night in Coeur D' Alene or in Spokane, I am so itching to get out of there the next morning. I hope that your friends dont tear you down too much. Some times the toughest thing is taking the understanding that you cannot stop them. They have to want to stop. skull
i punched my windshield and broke it. i didnt think it was going to break therefore i wouldnt have punched it...those things are fucking expensive too. fuck.
Damn girl, you got an arm on you. Goto a junk yard and find one there. They might be able to swap it for you as well.
what a fuck face.
i mother fucking hate work.

i walked in on my friend harry and this other girl having sex. it kind of made me want to puke. he wont talk to me anymore and thinks im mad about it. why would i be mad? i dont know. im not at all. he's 20 going on 14. fucking lame.

i need sex. i never get on the...
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Its not long, just thick.

Ive never particularly enjoyed watching other people have sex in person. Its not that I dont like sex, or dont like the thought of it, or I dont like other people having it. Its just when I know the people, I try to keep a certain view of them in my head, and when that vision is altered, it just fucks up what I think and feel. If a chick is my friend, shes my friend unless something brews and well you know how that goes. Im the kinda guy that knows the boundries and can be known to not cross them unless prompted. Sure as hell you give me a chance Ill fucking sprint across it though.

Im 21, going on fucking 12 sometimes I feel like. I swear I never got older than 18. I dont know what to expect, or where to go, what to do...Its all crap. Im almost 22 fucking years old, and Im nothing, everyone sees something in me, but I see nothing. Have you ever felt that you cant see yourself at a certain age? Well Ive felt that ever since I was 12, that I cant see myself past that age... and I still cant. Go figure.

Fuck me, fuck you, whatever works, I dont care.
Ask and I will tell.
So I just got home from Matt's house. I went over there for a quick one after work. Something was weird and different. Not the sex. It was great as always but something was so weird. Not really a bad weird. But just weird.

Anyhow, he was showing me some flash prints he got in Vegas from Buddy Holiday and the other guy I cant...
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Im ten miles high.

What was weird about it?

Awesome, flash work is always cool, I used to live with a tattooist, he did his work in the house. He was awesome, but he had tons of flash that was always cool to check out. Hey Trailer Trash has its appeal. Quick and easy, and on the go.
I've been stuck on Nine Inch Nails all day. Hurt is possibly the best song in the world. Maybe.
I might be getting a tattoo next week. If I do it's going to be by some guy I dont know so I figured I'd get something that can't be fucked up easily. Lyrics or just a phrase or something. I dont know. My dad's paying...
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First of all, NIИ rules. I agree Hurt is one of my all time Favorite songs, ever. Another, happening to be by NIИ is Fragile.

Awesome, Im all for tattoos, I plan on getting one as well since my skin is bare. Where do you want to put it, and youre thinking about lyrics or something like that?

Is my number up?

I know how that is, I have a friend that I grew up with, although she and I have grown apart when we were seperated, Im sure if we had the time we could be close again. When we were younger we were connected at the hip. Showages ot the tittage?
Hurt is a great song, I agree. I was listening to that on my Ipod today, which I am currently addicted to. I also really like the Johnny Cash version. Have you seen his video?
Holy shit Bone Thugs was so good. Way fucking good.
I'm tired and hungry. So...adios.
Sweetness, did they go retro and play their oldies or infuse some new songs into the mix?

Did you go with anyone? Pictures?
New pictures! Finally. There's only two...but they're just from the other day. I'll get some more within the next couple days because my friend is here from Boise and she loves taking pictures.

Bone Thugs n' Harmony is in 3 days. Fuck yeah!
Ive never been really thought about getting my ears pierced, but I think most chicks look good with em. Talking about guaged ones that is.

You have any good pictures of your guages?
^^ Im retarded, just checked your pictures, and guess what some great pictures.

[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 5:03PM]
Help!!! I think i'm drowning in your eyes!!! Deep and brown Lovely!
Holy shit I am a horrible girl. Very bad. Horribly bad. Which is the result of enjoying sex too much. Oops.
My stomach couldnt handle beer this weekend and I'm so bummed about it because I really wanted to get beligerant. I hope this isnt permanent.

Morning sex = my most favoritest thing ever. Which I had this morning and it was wonderful. It's best...
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Mmmm...Ive always wanted to karate chop a girl in the head while Im doing her. Damn thats hot!

I have to agree, morning sex + no talking = the best moaning wake up you could have. tongue

What gauge are you at now?

You arent bad...well Im sure you are, but you can never enjoy sex too much, blasphame.
I really need to go fix my hair and get ready. I dont wanna though. I wish I was a boy so I didn't have to do much in the morning. I fucking hate mornings. Unless I get morning sex...but thats only on weekends if that at all. I hate waking up. I wish I could just stay up forever and not sleep. I'd get...
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hey lovely! thanks for adding me, even though i dont have any pretty pictures up yet. their coming soon i promise. smile
Yeah being a boy, its awesome! Get up, take shower, put on clothes. Done!

I totally agree, If i could invent some way to stay up and never sleep, fuck If i wouldnt be on that shit like crack... well maybe it is crack? Hmmm.. I think ive got something.