Was I the only one completely euphoric during Superbowl Sunday... god I love football. It was a good game and yay, Colts. Love them like a 2 dollar whore right now biggrin

So yeah, right now things are crazy... I hope they stay that way...

and remember kids; the heart is deceitful above all things...
thanks for the comment on my new set!
Wow winter suddenly came... it's been nothing nada nothing the last couple of months and I for one have been quite pleased over the lack of freezing your ass off or blizzards... but as of yesterday winter is offically here. Tons of snow outside my window... it is quite pretty though... I'll give nature that... but now I have to buy new wintershoes... crap... EL SUICIDO LOCO
yes and i have left peace offerings of apples and carrots and some lettuce outside for your bunnies affiliates near my home blackeyed i had seen a couple of them casing my place and there were tracks around my house bok

Well wow, my apple green hair definitely ain't apple green anymore.. it's more like an acid kind of lime I'd say... I know I should get on that and you know make it better but I'm laaaazy.... plus now I got a reason to play with wigs biggrin

Anywhoo, today is the day - again, I have a lot of these days - it's Tattoo day!...
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It's the coolest addiction !!!
Put some pics of your new ink to check that work


Every new person you meet can teach you something... one should think about that...
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set!
So.... the Holidays are coming and things are looking pretty gloomy around here...

but bright sides : new tattoo (itches like fuck), new underwear, cute (albeit spoiled) little brother and loads of cheese to eat... so could be worse...

I could need a remedy for the aching off the heart however... that'd be nice.

ho ho ho and out...
Wow, just home from Prague... came home yesterday actually and feeling pretty terrific... I meet cool people, I had fun and oh yeah I got to be away from home... vacations are great. 'cept for the coming home part...

being home in Sweden meant being happy for about half a day and then the bad news came rolling in... I gotta move. I'm not allowed...
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I've done it again. My poor hair. Whenever I'm bored I bring out the scissors and some new colors and voila my hair looks different. It's fun though. Changes perk you right up smile
I have to say I never thought I'd go blond again, of course now it's just streaks, but here I am using that peroxide again... haha, at least it's not all of it this time.

Right now I'm bored again though, I should've gone into town and downed some coffee but no, I thought I'd be good and work out and clean at home... well that I did and of course I ended up in front of the computer again. It has some kind of draw that just sucks me right in.
Of course I could use the time to search the net for some cool ball clothing. I'm going to this ball thing in November. Like a Halloween ball. You can wear ball gown or a kinky costume... hehe, not a very hard choice between the two. For some reason my mind screams bondage tape. Could make a cool top. Ah well, we'll see... I'll go look and drool and hopefully I'll find something I like.

Have a good one...
ps. When you're bored "Cowboys from Hel"l really helps to cheer you up. love
oh, almost forgot to say how nice art you have made.
Nice to see that beautiful girl like you can really create something nice as those works of yours smile
Nah... It's not cold in here. Et least if you ask me. It's have been really warm and good weather, which isn't normal in here. Where is all the cold wind and rain? That's what we have been use to have this time of year.
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