here it is, you thought that you would never see it. Another post from teh SG graveyard of pron addicts who never post but still pay for it. The Update? Vacations are good, Burningman will be my wedding anniversary next year. And my girl's dad died today. Almost a year after mine. It can't get too much more emo folks. I'll be impressed if you...
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Well its been some time. Here's what's up. I have an awesome girlfriend who gets jealous when I talk to other pretty girls. My dad died on December 25. Not to worry I'm jewish so it doesn't mean much, except that my dad died, that is still awful. I'm running the family business now so I never get to sleep or do anything fun. So...
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I can't believe I'm ready to go to Burning Man. one more time. I hope it never ends. Homeward bound, I hope to meet a few of you out there. Even if I don't everyone have a good year.

Hope it's a good one.

Sorry I didn't see you out there. It's always so hard to track people down.
ok, so I'm back to monthly update. Sue me. I barely get time to sleep much less update a blog nobody ever reads. I had a thought about going anon or quitting the site but both options seem bad to me. In other news I still live alone, work way too much, drink to excess and I will still be at Burning Man this year.
I've decided a couple of days ago that I'm going to BM too. Maybe I'll actually see you and can thank for the tickets in years passed.

Speaking of which, I don't need one, but a friend of mine does. Do you have an extra or know anyone who does.
Went to Roller Derby for the second time. Seems like its catching on around here. Lots more people, and it seemed like more fun. I just can't get more excited than that.
One of my best friends since before high school was in a bicycle accident. She's still in the ICU. I went to see her. Its the third time I've had to visit someone in the hospital in a month. I'm really depressed about this. I don't feel like there is much good in my life besides my own health. Tell me something else that's good......
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Thanks, man. Sorry about all your people being ill and banged up. I had a long patch of that this year. Ended up sleeping in hospital chairs more than my own bed for a couple of months.

Seems to me, though, things tend to perk up after a particularly shitty round. I hope the same will be true for you guys.

Good news is it's raining. Fine NW weather.
Feeling good
No work today
Quick vacation this weekend
Pictures on Monday