Well thanks to everyone for the sweet comments on my new profile picture!

I just got back from the longest Vagina Monologues rehearsal in the history of the world....got there at 2pm today and left at around 7:50....UGH! But this play is going to be well worth it. I have some great lines and get to fake some excellent orgasms.....I'm tempted find someone to have...
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ur gonna have to tell me when that show is
aanya and fake orgasms
i cant miss that
or real ones for that matter
u know meaningless sex and all
i do live close wink
i do like meaningless sex
I really like the lighting in your profile pic, very seductive look on your face
My internet is all good...my computer is lovely and Aanya is one happy camper. Yay...and I will be an even happier camper when my hair and tattoo are finally finished! Hair hopefully done tonight or before the weekend, and tattoo is going to be finished on monday. I am uber excited about this. And as Williamj reminded me tonight, pics will be posted soon.

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What Ovida said. I would like to make out with you. love
Score!!! blush blush
So I am back from Vancouver and I have a full fledged cold puke...I fell asleep on the airport floor last night, and then slept the entire flight back. I took some stuff my dad gave me last night, which is odd because I normally dont like taking medication when I am sick. Call me a hippy but I just dont like it. But it...
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ugh. being sick sucks. but i feel yr pain. I puled an allnighter on friday and by saturday afternoon i couldn't get out of bed. Yep, I got nailed with the flu. kill me now. or rather, medicate me now....
sorry i had to put my away message on. i had someone on aim who was just sucking the life outta me frown hopefully i will talk to you later.
So I have come to the conclusion that I have issues with crowds. But only sometimes. My sister, her boyfriend and I were the last one of a big group of us that went to 80's night at Shine last night. At first I was fine...but after a while I started freaking out every time that someone touched me. They kept bumping into me and...
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see i dont have a problem in crowds too too much. they do bother me but as long as i have space to breathe im ok. i cant talk on the phone though. i used to not be able to even call the pizza guy.
i dont know why
i think im just fucked up.
it was me!! wink
i'm a nipple pincher, by night...
Well my hair is almost done. Posh helped me put the last of my extensions in last night. I was quite impressed with how many i got in on my own....there was about six or seven in the back that she had to do for me. Hopefully the beautiful Julie will come over tonight and be able to help me finish dreading them. It would...
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it's valentine's day for everyone else, it's just february 14th for me. frown wink

but i am going to Dita Von Tease on the 13th, so that will level it out.

pictures of new hair please love
are you gonna post a pic of your new hair babe? i have been meaning to burn a copy of the outkast cd from my roomie but i keep forgetting kiss
You want the sun to shine
You want the stars in the sky
Not me I'm doing fine
Living just to get by


I think I really must be a hippy at heart. I dont think its a bad thing. So many people go out and are intent on making money so they can be wealthy and have plenty of toys and such. I...
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ummm, i'd like to recommend some music for you if that's ok.


it's not a plug or anything, i just think the music (Rocky Votolato) would be appropriate for you. smile

just a thought
i'm glad you like'd it. if you can't buy it from the website, you can probably order it from


or they can help you find it, i think they're the best record store in the northwest. smile

if like his voice and are in the mood for more upbeat stuff, he also sings for the band "Waxwing"

i hope that helps out
Thank you guys all for the kind words. Tuesday was a really rough day, but it has gotten better. Chris' Memorial is tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous to go. If his mom has read his journal at all then she might be curious about this girl he was writing about, she may want to meet me. Kim already got a little touchy about the subject...
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why did you have to pay $20 to get the camera at the post office? taxes? i figured when i mailed it i had better put the worth of it at $75 so customs wouldnt wonder about it and i knew if i put that it was really worth $200 that you would have to pay out the ass for it.
what r ya doin wid it babe???
Well if you read d20's journal you will know that I am not doing well.

I found out today that my friend Chris died. He was missing for a week but no one knew until saturday wherein a search party was sent. His body was found yesterday. I was told about it today. RIght before I walked into school....needless to say I am back...
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ohh.. aanya.. you know that you're not an asshole..
You cant help the way you feel about a person, and im sure he would have understood. You should feel flattered because you know he wasnt trying to hurt you with his feelings.. and you know it would make him feel like shit if he knew you felt so terribly because of him, ya know? Let him be in peace and Dont carry so much wieght.. because there's no "what if's" left.. just let it go.. think of the wonderful things.. and remember him for his good qualities... XOXO I hope you feel better hun.. XOXO
hunny if you want to talk just message me. i know what your going through. i went out with a date with this guy (who was also named chris) and we had a good time...but he liked me more than i did him. so every time hed ask me out again id ignore him or make something up. so the one day he asked to hang out i did the same thing. told him i was busy. so instead he went out with his friends...and they got in a wreck and he died. i felt really fucking bad cuz i felt like if i had only liked him the way he did me i couldve prevented it.
it took me awhile but i realized it wasnt my fault. it was just something that happened.
so i hope you feel better soon dear. i love you pookie. and your friends are here for you.
So I did my dreads on Saturday night. And on Sunday afternoon they came out. Well, most of them did anyway. They just werent what I wanted at all. There werent enough, they looked sparce and made me look like I was going bald or something. There are a few more at the top that I cant get out, but I think I may work...
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You know... I havent seen it on TV but one of my co-workers saw it on MTV2 late lastnight!
hey l;ady! smile well.. as for the dreds.. I had dreds for a while.. and for the first like.. um day I tried beezwax.. but it really just made it greesy and nasty.. Then I asked all my other friends with dreds.. and know what they said? they didnt use anything! So I was like.. lets try that. I washed out as much of the beezwax as I could.. then I kinda braided my hair until it was really frizzy. then I just kinda matted it all together and twisted it up. Natural hair grease will hold it together better than wax. And if you want nice dreds.. you're probably ognnba have to smell not so sweet for a week or so.. haha. Then.. wwhen you do wash your hair.. try not to wet it in the shower for a while.. buy a bag of sea salt.. you can get it in bulk at health food stores and sometimes grocers for really cheap. Mix a bunch of sea salt in the sink with water until its as salty as the ocean and wash you hair in that (withough soap if you can) the sea salt makes your hair really knappy so it holds the dreds together better. Blah. I would have left my dreds but I bleached them a few times too many trying to make them white.. and they started to melt and a couple fell out. So I just cut them out. For the first few weeks they are really loose and you have to rework them daily for like an hour so that they dont fall out.. and then after a couple months they will really start to get tight... smile good luck though.
Im not sure how long your hair is.. mine is down to my chin now.. and when it gets to my shoulders I think Ill redred it.. I just had a hard time dreding it when it was too short...
So guess who was sick once again at three this morning? thats right...ME! This is way too wierd. I dont get sick for well over three years and now twice in a month and I am not impressed. puke

So I didnt get my tattoo finished, hopefully soon. Depends on when Tegan isnt retardedly busy. Oh well....

All right...feeling like a big pile of dirt so...
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Aww.. sweetie hope you are feeling better now!! kiss
That would have been soo excellent if you could have done my hair!!! damn australia for being so far away!!
btw.. sorry i haven't written back.. i have been crazy busy.. but i promise i will really soon! *hugs*
skull XX kiss
Okay doll. We will have an online marriage. wink Hugs