there goes my weekend..

sometimes, bad weeks just don't end..
um, the Redbull Fltag was here in Portland today. ITWASAWESOME.
I heard that. Got several texts from friends who were there and thought it was super cool. I had a really REAAAALLLLLY early gig with the drum corp (as in, 7 am!) so I went home and went back to bed when that commitment was all over. Sleep prevailed over flugtag, I'm afraid. Glad you had fun. It seemed like it would be an awesome time.
I need to find something to do on Sunday night. I need to get my head back in the game and go balls out one night.

Any suggestions?
I really am not accustomed to being so morose.

I need to find myself a nerd-tastic girl who isn't so damn high-strung.

She was right when she said she could never give me what i needed. Which is the story of my damn life. I don't need much. Just someone who appreciates what I have to offer.

This is going to take a while.

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how may times do i need to get dumped before I get a clue? This many perhaps...

all i wanted to do was make somebody happy

because that makes me happy

i don't think thats too much to ask

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

By any chance were you riding up Lovejoy on your bike yesterday? I could swear I saw you. smile

Probably, like, Lovejoy and 16th. I work at the corner of 18th & Lovejoy so I was on my way in to the office. I've never met you, but you looked like the guy in your pictures so...... yeah. I think I saw you.
Spending several days at the coast starting tomorrow. It will be great to get out of town for a spell. Good friends are getting married. There will be an open bar. The girl and I also have a hotel room right on cannon beach till Saturday.

Its going to be a good weekend

Oh i'm jealous, I can't wait to go to the coast smile
blush thanks
So, we gave it a week.

I can't force someone to want to be in a relationship with me.

It is what it is.. I'll get over it.
Lots of YES is better than lots of NO... right? haha. Thanks for commenting on my set biggrin
comics today. loves me some comics.
The little comic shop by my house just closed up not too long ago. Cosmic Monkey. You know the place? They'd been there forEVER it seems so either the economy is seriously for shit or somebody just plain got out of the biz. I'm not a comics girl, but it's practically right in my back yard and I always loved the name of that little shop. ooo aaa
The Cosmic Monkey on 102nd and (approximately) Halsey isn't there anymore.... I had no idea there were others. Okay, I feel a little better now.
that didn't last long..

well ladies, I'm single again..

Thank you for the sweet comment on my set, hon! biggrin
So from here on out, after VROOM happy hour at the Shanghai on Thursday's, its Karaoke From Hell time at the Tiger Bar. Shannon, William, Tommy, April, Jeremy V and Angela all scoped the place, and a few of us even sang! The Tiger Bar was shit-loads of fun. I've been there a few times since the re-opening. Last night was awesome. The bar was...
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I know it's kind of a late thank you but, thanks so much for commenting on my set and helping it to go up!! smile You rock!
Glad you're having such a great memorial day weekend...hope it keeps up! smile