This week at work will be easy. Today was pretty easy, I only had 2 kids to watch. That was very good news considering it was almost 1:30 before we went to bed last night. biggrin

Tomorrow ONiNOKUKAN and I get to find out if we are having a boy or girl. If it's a boy his name is going to be Logan Wayne. The middle...
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HA HA!! I told you it was a boy biggrin robot
It's a boy!! That is so wonderful. Ha no twins. Take that ONiNOKUKAN. So you aren't naming the kid after me. frown I wouldn't want the little guy to get teased.
Things are good. The weekend was good. I was really tired over the weekend. I shopped most of Saturday.....yay more baby stuff. I found some maternity clothes that I liked and were cheap, FINALLY! The worst thing about being pregnant is feeling very tired at times. My back, neck, legs, and shoulders have been killing me. Luckily I have a good man ONINOKUKAN to give...
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yay whats ur due date. i cant remember if i asked lol. my god my memory is awful... they say that pregnancy ruins ur memory lol

mine is april 7th lol
congrats anyway hun.

i know what you mean with the mornin sickness i got it really bad also and i kept fainting all the time.
but that seems to pass but i still get the odd days where it just makes you feel rough puke

[Edited on Nov 20, 2005 3:48PM]
Things are good, I'm kinda sick right now, but everything else is good. I got my ring last night...yay! love love I'm ready for the weekend, work is wearing me out!
yeah yeah work sux!! robot
u took my taco

i want it back
Tuesday ONINOKUKAN and I went to my doctor appointment. He got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, it was exciting. We get to find out what we are having November 22nd. when I have my ultrasound. I'm very excited. Sometimes I really really want a girl, and other times I want a boy. Either way it really doesnt matter as long as everything...
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good luck
Well, Freakers Ball sucked! I was miserable. We got there around 4:30 and left at 6:30. I was cold and wet. We got stuck in the mud pit from HELL, and had to pay this jackass $35 to tow us out. Went and had dinner and I took us to Custard's Last Stand for ice cream...We deserved it!

Tomorrow we are going for my DR....
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Not alot has been going on. Yesterday Oni_no_kukan and I went to the Ren Fest with some friends of ours. It was ok, years before have been better. Luckily we had free tix so we didn't spend alot of money. After that we were going to go to Famous Daves and eat but thanks to me, tongue , I made us miss our exit and it's...
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Friday I had to go back to the doctor for another glucose tolerance test. This one was a 3 hour test. They drew my blood once I got there and then every hour for the next 3 hours. It wasn't as bad as I thought. It didn't hurt, it was just kind of a pain in the ass. I had Friday off so after I...
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I've been very tired this week. Work has been crazy. Last Friday I took a test to check my glucose tolerance. I had to drink this gross thing and then they took 4 viles of blood to check for all kinds of things and diabetes. I got a call from the doctors office today. My blood sugar was elevated so now I have to go...
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Oh I hated that fucking test. Hate to tell you this but it only gets worse. I hope that everything works out for you.
Dont' be! Nothing wrong!! I'm a survior hince the kid will be too biggrin wink

Yay it's Friday! I'm glad I am off for the next 2 days! Yesterday I went for my first appointment with my obstetrician. She's really really nice, I like her. I was really really nervous though. I am 10 1/2 weeks right now, which makes my due date APRIL 15TH!!!!! I also got to hear the heartbeat. biggrin She it was really strong and good, she...
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the heartbeat is strong cuz it's twins hehe smile

Ren Fest sucked. Then again it could have been just me. It is always fun to go buy cool things but when you have no money....well no fun.

I have been sick on and off for awile. I finally gave in today and went to the doctor. I have a sinus infection but I feel like total shit at times. So between that and morning sickness, which for me is ALL DAY SICKNESS I take alot of naps and sleep alot. For me its not morning sickness because at anytime of the day,...
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Yeah but i'm used too it. So it doesn't bother me anymore biggrin

I had fun shopping. Atleast we got a bunch of Orient Express swag for cheap biggrin

Oh my that is great news you guys!! I had no freaking clue. I am so sorry that I have been too wrapped up in my personal drama to pay attention to everyone like I should. CONGRAGULATIONS!!! There is nothing like becoming a parent. Oh I am gonna do a happy dance for you two.
I'm ready for a long weekend! I've actually got quite a bit planned for the next 3 weekends. This weekend we are going out with some friends, our plans on what we are doing aren't set in stone yet, but it will be fun whatever we do. Then the following weekend we are going to World's of Fun for Oni_no_kukan company picnic. So we get...
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Sounds like you have a lot o' fun planned. Thanks for the kind words it means a lot. Family and friends are definately more important than anything else.