Someone got ahold of my debit card number, and went eBaying. So I got to talk to the WaMu fraud department, forty-five minutes of which was on hold. Everything seems straightened out, and a new card will come next week...but I'm broke until then...and I will have to get to the lake to pick up the card from my parents' house. And really this is...
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they will get you one day Joe Herr...if it's the last thing they do robot
I thought the crazy camera-mirror girl story was fucking hilarious! Does anyone in that class have a fucking pulse?!

Let me know when you need to be up here to get your card, we will arrange something. We get our keys this weekend.
Didn't sleep last night. Had a nap, but Audrey woke me up. She'll pay for that later.

Acting was interesting. The guy now looks at me with complete apathy. I think I actually gained points by accident, but whatever. Had to choose a monologue, which was part of my insomnia; it had to be from a stage play, and ideally a "classic." Having missed the...
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dude, honestly, i say go for it. i mean, who better for you to write about than yourself? you should be the one who knows the most on the subject smile
Do it. I'd read it.

Thanks again for your help, it meant the world to us. We got everything unloaded by like ten pm, I think. Still no key to the house tho, so we are just kind of mooching around with nothing to do...
The neighbor is watching the Oscars? Know how I know? Because she's fucking BLARING IT, and I'm literally watching them on mute in my apartment because I can hear it so well from hers. And she and her male companion are doing running commentary, which is just as witty as you'd expect. Awesome. Just neat. Audrey just caught the noises and isn't amused. I'm not...
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dude, porn...blast some porn, and do some commentary on THAT see what she has to say lmao
dude, totally
Migraine finally hit. I could tell a couple weeks ago that it would. Missed class, which I'm sure I'll regret next week; the music one hurt, the acting one is just a minor misfortune. I've been trying lately to like that class, but I just can't get as into it as I want to. Not dropping, however, because it actually is fairly decent for a...
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lol @ myspacey

i really hope your migraine just disappears right now *snaps fingers*....lemme know if i'm magical ok?

just think though, at least you don't have to worry about what your migraines are gonna do while you're preggo! That's very prevelent on my mind, as Jeff and I are talking more and more about when we're going to start having kids.

feel a tiny bit releaved?
My grandfather (my mom's dad) turned eighty yesterday. EIGHTY. Guy's looked the same my entire life. Former professor at UCLA, traveled all kinds of places, owner of the single most amazing sense of humor I've ever witnessed (both of my grandfathers are blamed for me being the person I am; as time goes on, I realize just how blatantly I've either inherited or aped their...
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my dad turned 79 like two weeks before he passed away. i still can't believe he was that old. you couldn't tell it until right at the end. cancer does that though, ages you beyond what you imagine. even at his most aged-looking though, nobody'd believe 80. my mom's no spring chicken herself, but in much better health than he was. she's going to be 67 this year...i have that same fear. i hadn't lost anyone that close to me since my grandparents, and i was so young when they passed that i barely remember it. frown my dad was almost 3 years ago, and it still hurts as bad as the day his hand went limp in my own.

what a downer....sorry...been a bit down lately, not really sure why. anyhow all i really wanted to say is i have the same fear of losing people close to me, and it's a mofo for sure.

sorry if you thought i meant you were cryptic, it's just sometimes the things you say, would make more sense if we were you. if that makes sense...it's not all the time though.
So I've got a bit happening lately. Still thinking far too much, but whatever; it's always something, isn't it? I will say, though, that one of the coolest things ever is the ability to surprise yourself...while one of the shittier ones is doing the exact same thing that you always end up doing without intending to. So, hey, there you go. Good mood, but a...
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almost every time i read your blog, it feels like i'm inside your head. although sometimes it feels like even there i'm not really sure what you're trying to say.

i hope you don't get sick, also i hope you don't take that comment the wrong way lol

i can't wait to meet audrey! give her a little scratch behind the ears for me ok?
oh yeah, we totally have to hide toys from toby and sully lmao, we tried just putting them away from their reach, but they get to them lmao, so we put them in the closet. funniest part is sully knows where they are,and when you go to the closet, he gets all excited!

LOVE the roller-chicks story btw, one for the books.

OH, and we couldnt even say that about the cats, cuz when we signed the lease she knew exactly what to say and went over that specifically "even if an animal comes with a visitor, you can't let the animal in the apartment or else we have to fumigate the whole complex at your expense".

so oh well.
The cat's doing well. Sleeping on what is apparently her place, which is on an old desk chair that I still have despite the fact I no longer have a desk. Her other place is under my bed, which makes me slightly nervous, but she's happy. I left the TV on for her when I left, and came home to Audrey watching "Gunsmoke." I find...
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Yeah, sounds like you might have a little TMI working there.

Advertise on Craig's List?

Wanted. Woman to spoil for 3-4.5 hours. Must be clean, have fresh smelling hair, and know how to act in public.
Dinner is included. Movie optional, as long as you don't want to see the latest craptastic hollywood "release".
Real names optional, not required.

PS. Must go dutch.
I have a cat. Her name is Audrey. She's a fan of the History Channel and the doo-wop group the Flamingos. Also is fascinated by the heater; she's been sitting in front of it, I think getting warm and listening to the noise. She also loves the generations of cat smells from my old hand-me-down furniture. And she talks frequently. I may be pretentious and...
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Audrey Van Horn is the most awesome name ever! I say go with it!!
It occured to me yesterday that everyone in my acting class, sans the teacher, takes me as being DEADLY serious. That hasn't quite happened before. I'm taking my quiet badass moments as I can get them, because it's only a matter of time before I just get tired of it. The teacher, the dick, is fully aware that I'm taking precious little seriously in this...
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we would totally come to an event at streets biggrin

Look what I got you. Trashcat is ready to come home.
So the headache I thought I'd get is now banging on the door. Bah. The one notion of headaches I've never understood is that they seem to come after something major, be it positive or negative. You gotta love a minor fear of having too GOOD a time.

Class was class Monday. Music was good, Acting is better. Things are in motion.

Okay, well some...
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i love your blogs.
Good weekend. Best there's been in forever. It's weird; you get so used to thinking about things a certain way, and even though you know it's completely wrong, it still surprises you (in a good way) when it's pointed out to you how fucking nuts your thought process had been for entirely too long. It's kinda hard to explain, but sometimes I really do feel...
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wow... Lots of emotions running rampant in that blog. Have fun with Paul!
I'm seriously considering buying a hat like Tom Waits. I think I could pull it off.

That music class...I love it, but man, there's a weird demographic. I can't fathom the fact that half the class --which is twenty or so people-- had never heard Frank Sinatra. That just makes my head hurt. Never hearing the Righteous Brothers is a little more understandable, I guess,...
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wow, what did dudes girlfriend do?