Happy New Year everyone!

So, it's been 2012 for a week, and it's taken me about that long to recover from NYE. It's been an interesting week, and the year didn't start quite as I'd planned...

First day back at work on Tuesday, and had a chat with my boss. Ended with us both deciding it's probably a good time to part ways. You might...
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Sounds like you're ready to part ways!
Whereabouts in Aus are you going? I think you'll love it!
I can't believe it's almost Christmas. This year has flown by, and I already have tonnes to look forward to in 2012 - most notably NYC, and seeing The Promise Ring in Chicago. Just over 2 months until that little adventure across the pond!

My beard is gradually getting back to normal, after the trauma of Movember. I'm glad to have the beard back, and...
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I've just got back from a long weekend in Brighton, and it was exactly what I needed right now. Things at work have been a bit rough recently, and I REALLY needed to clear my head. Brighton is pretty much the only other place in the UK that I'd want to live, and the prospect of actually moving there has been raised more and more...
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I love Brighton, I took a long weekend down there a couple of weeks ago left feeling very inspired. It is a difficult situation to be in when you are working on projects that don't really interest you, but sometimes bills have to be paid and so on.

Love the prints, just had a look on your society6 page - amazing work as always!
We are thinking of moving to Brighton, because of its commuting ease and because it's by the sea. We should probably actually go there at some point...
So, I've been getting a bit of hard time from some Movember purists for bending the rules, and not "getting into the spirit of things" by starting the month with 'stache shaved out of my usual beard. Call me a cheat? I can live with that. Say I'm not getting into the spirit of things? That's fighting talk!

With that, I've trimmed the 'stache back...
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i envy guys that can grow facial hair long n thick.. its really an awesome look! and props on being on that mobro site, wish i could be a part of it lol.

and how did u turn your picture into 3-D? thats awesome lol
M-Day is here! I am sans beard, and now 'stached up for November - commonly known as Movember! I'm assuming everyone knows what Movember is, but for those that don't, this is a brief explanation:

Grow a moustache in November to raise awareness of male prostate and testicular cancer, and get people to sponsor you for sporting said 'stache.

(if you can't be bothered to...
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I like your handlebars.
I will however, still cry when boyfriend shaves off his beard tomorrow.
Today was one of those days where I was struggling to stay awake at work, only 2 hours into my day. I don't know why I'm feeling so tired at the moment. I mean, I've taken on a lot of freelance work this week, as well as my full-time design job, so I might be overdoing it a bit. And maybe I'm playing a bit...
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Ha, mine are not interesting, Seffy! I just whinge about stuff, or talk about music that no one seems to care about ;P But it's nice to no someone reads my tweets! And yours aren't banal! It's nice to hear what you're up to.

As for NYC, yep, I'm going back for another holiday in February. Completely fell in love with it this year, and couldn't wait to get back. Although, even it it was work I'd be happy to be back there.
I'd think a bunch of designers would have better taste in music. Daughtry? **shudders**
Chilli. If there is one thing I really love, it's an awesome chilli. With that in mind, last weekend saw the UK's first Chilli Stand Off. Now I don't know about everywhere else in the world, but when I was growing up there was one episode of The Simpsons, that made out like the US have these types of things pretty frequently. Well, this was...
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Man alive! I love chilli!
And beards.
February?! I haven't blogged here since February! This is ridiculous. Sooo much has happened, and I only came here to get some tips on some places to visit in NYC. I think I need to impose a new goal in my life, where I make an effort write here at least once a week. I don't really vent anywhere like I used to, and this...
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Please dont go another 8 months without a blog!

Please dont go another 8 months without a blog!

Aw, thanks Bradley. I won't. Honest! smile

Two blogs in one day? It seems I'd forgotten how much I like coming onto SG. I won't be leaving it half as long this time. Even if my blogs are just little updates about my work, I figure it's more interesting to show stuff that I'm passionate about. Rather than bore you with my personal life. Although, there's not much to complain about at...
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Love the icons.
Happy birthday smile
Wow. I haven't blogged since October! That's kinda lame :/ Although I doubt I was missed round these parts. I hope everyone is well, and that 2011 has been treating you well. It's been pretty non-stop for me, with a new job, amongst other things. Anyway, in the tradition of most of my blogs, here's one of the latest things I've been working on...

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Thanks, you two! biggrin
You should post your artwork more often for sure smile