Oh what have I just done!?
my bad- I was looking at your crush=not your main profile. I thought that was your virginity spot. Sorry for embarrassing you- if I did.
xo kiss
D00d- I'm right there with you- I so totally need to join the Geezer group. Isn't it like required? LOL I have read their caption next to there Group picture and I think they say something like- get your ass in here or something like that.

Oh- I should know that- I've seen the Breakfast Club a grip of times. Hmmm. Guess it's the Turkey Pot pie scene that really sticks with me. Well that and the Ally Sheeny dandruff scene. I wonder if there is a Breakfast Club -which character are you generator on the net. I'd be Ally for sure. Did you see all that junk in her purse? Holy shit. That is so totally my purse. The other day I gathered up all of my purses and physically DUMPED them all upside down into a big box. Score! I found all kinds of shit including money. Anyway- I can barely squeeze my hand into my purse right now. I just hate cleaning it out. It's seriously like half purse half trashcan. All my purses are weird too. Like adult women always look at me all weird when I'm in public. I have like a Hello Kitty Head, I have her friend Batz Maru's head, I have a monster fur one that looks like a dead cat. The one I'm using right now had weird Hello Kitty print all over it, but the artist didn't color it all in so I took it upon myself to break out the pretty colored sharpies and color all the fun shapes and pictures in. It looks amazing, but I do get weird looks from the chicks carrying around like COACH purses n shit. *shrugs* I so want an INVADER ZIM purse.

What character would you be?
So, I'm pretty proud to be a liberal but sometimes liberal types just confuse me. I was driving down the road and pulled behind an old VW bus the other day and the only bumper sticker he had was those 'one less SUV' ones. Then again I'm just assuming he's a liberal type. But I'm thinking, yeah, one less SUV but you're driving a BUS!...
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I'm pretty sure that sticker was a bit of hipster irony, which is one of Portland's biggest exports.
I drive one of those "satanic spawn" SUV's and, in fact, I don't get all that bad of gas mileage! That, and I pass the DEQ every single bloody time. Bigger does not necessarily mean badder but I'm afraid some people just don't see it that way. *sigh* Besides, I'm only five foot three and driving a big ol' Pathfinder puts me up high above the rest of the traffic. It's the only time in my life that I actually get to feel "tall" and it's a perspective that makes me feel much safer than having my ass draggin' on the ground in some little sub-compact that gets 300 miles to the gallon. IT's all about the trade-off, I suppose. Good gas mileage vs. feeling safer on the road.

Hmmmm, why am I justifying all this to you??? Probably because I've taken so much shit from liberal Portlanders over the years and have developed an overly sensitive attitude about my vehicle. Sorry for the rant..... frown

How've you been lately, BTW. Sorry I've been so absent at SGPDX functions. Still working my ass off, like 65 hours a week. In fact, today was the first day in like 45 days that I've actually NOT had to go into the office. Crazy....... whatever

Dude, I want on the boat! Hey, I'm in PDX through Sunday. Let's do drinks some night.
WTF? WHo changed my user name? Then I try and go back to set it to MILO and it says it's already in use by someone else. What's up with that? Maybe it's cause my account is done in like 12 days. Hmm?
Mmmmmm, I just thought it was another facet of some super secret identity! wink
Looked at kick ass boats this weekend up near Seattle. Good times! Went and visited with some old fools, which is always good. One of my old friends is moving back to Seattle from San Diego via a small pitstop in St Paul MN. Got to hook up with her for a bit. That was nice even though she totally blew me off when I...
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totally went to see the midget stripper. it was rad.
a name change? i don't think that i can handle that, my friend.
I just told the roomies that if the housing market doesn't totally start to go down by next year I'm so selling all my shit and buying a boat to live on. Then again, even if the housing market doesn't crash I think I'm still gonna buy a boat to live on. I lived on one for a while in San Diego and it was...
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i always wanted to live on a houseboat....unfortunately they don't make apartment-boats, so it's been outta my league.
25 years of living in Hurricane Central means I'm not even comfortable living in a wooden house, much less a boat.
I swear I keep seeing Scylla walking down Woodstock but I'm not quite sure. Anyone know if she's still in town?
She was on the schedule at DP as late as last fall, so it's quite possible.

I saw Ryan at Dante's while I was getting pizza. I hadn't seen her since my first trip to Portland over two years ago, and barely recognized her if not for her cherry tattoo. I would've said hello, but she was inside, I was outside, and screaming across the kitchen didn't seem like a viable (sane) option. Which bummed me out; I miss that girl.
I would like to see Scylla walking anywhere love . . .

Yeah, I actually ran into fallenicarus by accident, and also my friend Marsha. Portland is a small city.

So yeah dude, thanks for coming out Friday if I didn't already tell you man. That was fun even though the final moments of the night were blurry.
Good times were had in Central Washington last weekend! Not so excited about the $100 greens fees just to play 18 holes of golf though. Then again I kicked everyone's ass, so that kind of made it ok. Nice friggn' golf resort, makes me wish I actually made a bit of money. Guess I'll have to settle for friends that will invite me to their...
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i bake shit.
i don't really. except for mine.
Last weekend after I came back from Victoria I spent time in Twin Peaks town (North Bend). This weekend I get to go out to Northern Exposure town (Roslyn). My digi photo class is starting this Saturday too but my teach is letting me off the hook cause I told him I'm going to a wedding in Roslyn but in actuallity it's the bachelor party....
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you wouldn't want to go to a strip club in roslyn. seriously that town creeps me out, i would never want to be there at night.
I'll be in portland the 9th-16th. you should take me to lunch
WOOT! Off to Victoria Island Canadia Wednesday! Then a day or so in Seattle to visit with the old crew. Good times to be had for sure.

Are you fucking kidding me!!!?? My health class teacher is sooo fucking cool! I wasn't that happy with her because she wouldn't take late assignments, which of course meant I missed a few papers. So I was gonna...
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this is me vouching for member Erika for the pdx group meow
yep gonna be there mid july actually!!!
Dude, the roomies are gone for 2 weeks! It's been handparty central. eeek
um... TMI? surreal
i second the TMI......

also, you aren't an ass....a lot of comics aren't funny....espescially the loudmouths.
I just had the best idea for a blog and then I forgot it!!! Ok, no not really, I got nothing. But I will say that MILO is getting kicked off the honor roll this quarter cause he kinda sorta really slacked. eeek
It's a pretty fuckin' sexy language.