You would think a nice thunderstorm cooling down the dead dry air would be something that would be the best way to get some sleep but for now I'm still awake maybe if i actually get into bed lol!!! shocked
The storm totally just woke me up. Now I'm all adrenaline awake and there is no hope of falling back asleep for at least an hour or so...

Ha! I'm sure it could be found, though I'm not sure how to take that. Sarcastic? ;]
Had an awesome time with my friends this weekend. They truly are inspiration to me to become better, even though we are still all assholes in our own right smile should look into moving back out to Naperville if i can.
I guess drinking while having a Cold is not the best idea I've had but at least i get to do it again tomorrow!!! But today lots of fluids and meds biggrin
Off to the bar for some debaucherytongue !!!!!
well it looks like im moving at the end of the summer but it also looks like i am not makin enough money to live on my own even in a studio apartment so that sucks, a lot!!!frown
So i need to start looking for a new job. Why because i hate this job. And the second reason is because in order to promote i have to be an asshole, throw everyone else under the bus and treat the store i work at as if its mine, but I'm only promoting to an Assistant RGM! mad
where do you work?

It's that time of year again so if you don't mind working for a soul-less corporation that is slowly destroying our planet, Monsanto is hiring.
Pizza Hut, another soul-less corporation!!!
Well kids let the randomness of my life continue!!!!! loleeekooo aaabokoinkARRR!!!
Went 4 miles and burnt 800 calories!!!!! WHAT? eeek
Well not much to say,

I dont know where to go from here as of yet we shall see i guess i sent out my resume to two businesses back home they make build and print signs i think i can make a living doing that so i might be moving back home if they pan out.

And cant sleep so I am going for a run!smile

Why is not responding to a guy a woman's answer to get rid of them, if they are not interested?

now what i mean is completely ignoring them, through text , calling ,PMing them(have not tried this yet)

But don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker, I don't freak out when she doesn't respond: either right away/ few hours, and i do ask...
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well, to quote Jay-Z, on to the next one!
Yep! If we're lucky. :]
You can bring muffins to my party anyyyy day. My parties have NO rules on baked goods .. except that they go in my mouth. :/ err. ;D