I knew 44 of these girls either from name, sight, or both. I'm honestly curious how many other people can identify:


It was also a nice treat seeing Tori Black at #1. My Fleshlight is a Tori Black. wink
Oh and Jenna Haze makes me stabby. She's the reason I started watching porn with the sound off.
errrr....not a neck tie (though i love those as blindfolds...). I'ts a satin blindfold I sewed by hand.
I'm incredibly lonely.

I grew closer to my ex in the six months that we dated than I think I've ever been with anyone in my entire life. And on top of that, I was mentally broken down to a level I've never been over those six months. Dealing with the whole thing, the severe depression, anxiety, abuse, uncertainty... she was my entire world for...
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Dude, I'm on vacation right now, lets hang out!
Text me or give me a call - I'll come down. Or if you want to get out of the city we can go to the beach or just have lunch and convo or we can go to a bar and play pool. Idk. But I'm around!
We didn't really eat much food... hahaf
Nothing like hearing that your ex is "growing close" to someone only two weeks after you broke up to really put the button on a Saturday night.
I understand frown
However, don't waste time and tears on somebody like that. Life is full of interesting people to meet!
that's why i always try to be the one who moves on first! lol

sorry, not meaning to make light... it always sucks, anyway you slice it, even when the break up was for the best, to see the other person move on. the best way to look at it is, this is just yet another reason why it wasn't meant to be, if they can move on THAT easily.
Well... not in a relationship any more.

That was certainly an experience. frown
Like moving? That particular EA campus is in Marina Del Rey, so we're staying in LA, especially since we just bought a house down here back in March.

So... things with the girl have not been good. I don't blog here often, so I don't expect anyone to really know the situation or follow along.

I'm in a long-distance relationship with a girl who suffers from serious depression (or BPD, or bi-polar), anxiety, and other mental disorders. It's very, very stressful and difficult to maintain a long distance relationship to begin with,...
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I agree that having her move out there with you are her sole point of contact would be dangerous.

I hope things start to look up for you.
distance definitely can be a killer... that was ultimately what did my last LDR in. i say if you have a shot at eliminating the distance, try it. you won't know how it's going to be, otherwise... and if you've endured it this long, you two owe it to yourselves to at least find that out
Khoos to the rescue.

I'm having a pretty difficult time with my girlfriend right now, and we had a pretty serious conversation that left my brain spinning. I was unable to sleep and I just wanted someone to talk to, so I could just... get everything out, you know?

Messaged Khoos on kind of a whim, mostly because she had just posted on FB a...
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She's definitely a keeper.
I just tried a Tenga egg for the first time. I was with the lady at Good Vibrations the other day and we couldn't really find anything we wanted, but the Tenga eggs were $2.50, so I bought one, put it in my bag, and forgot about it.

Cut to five days later. I haven't masturbated or orgasmed at all in five days. I suddenly...
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Interesting. I'd thought about getting one. At $2.50 I might.
Happiest I've been in quite a while.

What's going to happen if Alix visits, she's amazing, we really are in love with each other like we think we are, and in May she moves out here?


I have an amazing job and the start of a life-long, lucrative career. I live in an awesome city in a great part of the world, in a...
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Word on not overthinking things! If you get everything you want, you be thankful for it all, and be content.

Good luck with it!
I got my leather harness at: http://www.sub-shop.com/index.aspx
hurry..the site is closing and the prices are phenominal...I'm really pleased with the quality as well.

However, since you're in the city I also highly reccomend Mr. S Leather on 8th st. south of market. it's my fav in the area. they have a much smaller womens section than they do mens but it's still my fave.
Alix (that's her name, how amazing is that) bought a plane ticket today. E-mailed me the itinerary and everything.

So I guess it's about to get real. Well, in a month from now.

She'll be here during Valentine's Day.

My brain just can't shut off. I just start smiling at random times throughout the day, even if we aren't talking.

I got my career start...
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So thats the girl you ditched me for. She's adorable. I miss our hanging out but I'm stoked to see you so happy!!
Kick ass! Everything you need to know about the show is here: http://w00tstock.net/2011/12/30/w00tstock-founders-night-at-sf-sketchfest/
Oh boy. Things are moving reeeeeeeeeeeeeally fast.

She admitted that she had a crush on me prior to this. We had rubbed shoulders at PAX a few times and I had asked to see her tattoo once at a party (I was shy and ran away after she showed me, because she's fucking gorgeous and I got scared).

She's amazing, she really is. We have...
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Where to start? Okay, with regard to your "internal clock," you're 26, which I realize might seem old to you, but is in reality incredibly young!! Trust me on this, there is no hurry to be looking for the "one." In fact, if you're looking chances are very good you'll find, just for the sake of finding. Although it's basic human nature to always focus on the positives when you meet someone you see as a potential mate, the smart money bet is to step back and also take a hard look for red flags. One red flag that jumps out at me is that she has a Masters in Anthropology, which means she has the training to understand what makes you tick, a lot better than you do, which leaves you vulnerable to manipulation. AND don't kid yourself, no matter how perfect and sweet she seems, women are manipulators, it's a trait that's hardwired into their genetic makeup. I'm not saying you shouldn't pursue a potential relationship with this woman, just be realistic about it. You've known her a few weeks and you're already dropping the "L" word? COME ON, you don't need me to tell you that's CRAZY, you already know, which is why you're openly questioning your feelings in this blog. Above all, you must always be true to yourself, which means being completely honest with yourself. You're a 26 year old gamer, which means you're already most probably a bit stunted with regard to your maturity level, and you're an Obama supporter, which means you have a penchant for making bad decisions. Right now what you're feeling is not love, it's infatuation. You're crushing on someone you hardly know and ever ounce of logic you possess is screaming at you to pull your head out of your ass and start thinking straight. Maybe she is the "one," but if you don't approach this thing with your shit wrapped a lot tighter than it is right now, you'll screw it up for sure. You're coming off as NEEDY, and let me tell you women HATE needy!! What women want is what they can not have, another trait of basic human nature. You want this woman to be in your life, wait to see how much she wants the same thing. Challenge her, make her come to you.
yeah i agree, don't question it too much. some people might say dearambellina and i moved quickly on our relationship as well, and in some ways maybe we did, but ya know what? it's still going strong, and our feelings for each other haven't waned, they've only intensified. when it's right, it's right.

so roll with it. and if it's not meant to be, that fact will reveal itself in due course.