So yesterday 3/6/18, I learned that an overdose of your medication is considered anything over your normal amount you take. I take Zoloft for my depression and couldn't remember if I took it when I got home from work at 5am so around 11am I took the same dosage. No, I didn't mean to. No, I wasn't trying to actually OD. Well, around 5pm when...
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@liath I'm on 75mg. I took your dosage and my body didn't know how to handle it. I'm doing better. Thanks for the concern.
Glad you're feeling better.

So me and my friend G are about to embark on a new adventure. That's right a podcast and a V-Blog. We don't have much yet but are working to get ourselves out there and promote both of our individual brands. Please keep me and him in your thoughts and send positive vibes our way.

Instagram: ch3rioloki

Youtube: ch3rioloki (we don't have anything up yet,...
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So talked to a new doctor just recently, since I haven't been in years and got perscribed Zoloft. Anyone else been on it? What should I look out for?

I'm sorry, but if you have questions about perscribed meds, you should really consult your Dr and read the manual. Your health is too important for contacting in the best case laymen and other users. Meds affect everyone different. Though I wish you the best :)
I'm on it.  I don't have too many side effects.  I take it before bed because it makes me tired.  Reduced sex drive, which is fine because I don't have a girlfriend.  Other than that, I feel emotionally numb, which is better than depressed, but not great.  Sometimes I still feel depressed, but I don't really care that I'm depressed.  Like @medusaw said, it can be different for everyone, and you should talk to your doctor again if you have any real concerns.  Good luck!  I hope it helps you!

So I realized I'm a sucker for character creation games. I'll give any game a try if it has a decent character creator. Just picked up Monster Hunter Stories and didn't even know that you could make your own character. Throughly happy about that.


So as of this I'm still working at Amazon, but that's besides the point sort of. One day while at work I had on a Green Lantern logo shirt which is awesome. LOL. Well as the day proceeded I noticed a guy with a Flash logo shirt who promptly referred to me as GL on his way past me. Which did make me chuckle and...
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I love having 6,300+ songs in my Google music. Love rediscovering music that I feel in love with and haven't heard in so long. Today's throwback was Breaking Benjamin's Dance With The Devil.

On a slightly related side note. Just found out I could edit song info for the songs that I uploaded that didn't have all the genere info. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Successful day. One more...
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