Happy New Year to you all!kiss

I had very good holidays. Visited lots of family, and friends. Working a few night shifts for the next couple of nights, so I'm a little messed up on sleep right now... when my head is working right, I'll get back to you with a SG gathering plan. love
I've never been to an SG gathering.
I'm usually too shy for stuff like that, but I have to say I'm curious.

Let me know the details and I'll likely be there.
Ooooooo...flamenco! Good luck with that. I'd love to learn, but I'm too chicken to go to lessons without a partner wink

Plus, I'm kinda busy and stuff with other things, like bellydancing and a yoga class and a spin class I'm taking. Oh, and that master's thing wink
I don't have a spare weekend in June. All booked up with travel plans, and many weekdays with planned evenings. I hate this. frown I'm tired just thinking about it. I'm gonna go climb under my official "SG Lurker" rock now. kiss
I'm disappearing for a bit too. I'm so busy all the time. I escape into Regina just so I can get away from it all.

Make sure you e-mail me about the Jazz Fest because I'd still like to come up for that.

That sucksfrown

Kisses kiss kiss
If you have a strong heart, go see Hotel Rawanda (http://www.mgm.com/ua/hotelrwanda/intro.html). This movie is fantastic, but the subject matter is incredibly heavy. My logical brain says, "hey this is just a movie, cued with snappy shots, and heart-string-tuggin soundtrack" but still I know I can't avoid the facts. Close to a million human lives were snuffed out in my own lifetime, on the basis of...
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Quiet day at work (yay) so I'm updating the journal. Check out my concert review of Tegan and Sara:

Kim came in for the concert last night, so she crashed out on my couch last night. Its kinda wierd hangin with the ex for a concert, but really I don't think anybody else would have appreciated it the same way she and I can....
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geek! love

and if you think your ex crashing on your couch is strange, try being close enough to the ex to want to be there when his baby with his fiancee is going to be born. wink

[Edited on Feb 11, 2005 12:20PM]
This was SUCH a good weekend. I had a great time at the housewarming party friday night, but I did drink too much. I got to christen their new toilets. puke biggrin

Sat. was laid back, and allowed some quality time for me to recouperate and visit with Kim, my ex. We had an awesome chat about the "us" that was, and how we are doing with...
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Busy weekend...

Friday night I had about 14 people over to my place to have a 24 hour movie fest. My friend Tammy organized this, while I simply volunteered to host it since I had the projector. Everyone brought their fav movie, and we stayed up all night watching. 6pm Fri till 5pm Sat we watched 10 movies. I fell asleep through half of "The...
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bah, why must your saturday plan include supper! i have supper planned with the boy's gramma. tongue

maybe somewhere in there we can find time to get together. smile
perhaps i should take that thought of mine down (about the oreo). hallmark could be monitoring this site RIGHT NOW.

and it's true. J loves oreos and one of our first camping trips , we were on our way home and he kept giving me the side with the filling. biggrin
I haven't felt so grumpy in awhile. Work f**kin sucks somedays.

mad mad mad mad puke

I hate bearing negativity on my shoulders.

I'm so ready to sleep, but my brother is comming in from LaRonge tonight, and not arriving till 11:30. Must.. stay.. up. frown
i hope your brother got to your place safe and sound, and that today is better for you.

play some seether; that always makes me happy. smile
kiss i hope you had a lovely weekend.
I should definately be in bed... I just didn't feel like putting down the guitar tonight. smile

Lets see... news... news...

I'm off to Montreal in a month, to hang with my half-bro. Woot! Ballroom dance class is progessing most excellent. I am the master of Jive. biggrin I need to buy a new car, and a bottle of Scotch (not at the same time, mind you)....
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tsk tsk. one of these days we'll meet and then we won't just be online friends. or maybe you'll move back to regina!
Hey! What is the translation for Ghost in the Shell SAC opening theme?? In particular the Aerius Glorius choir chorus?
I can't remember and it's bugging the hell out of me.
I am so happy that I finally picked up an electric tuner for my guitar! The songs I play actually sound correct for a change. Previously I would download a tab/chords for a song and give up thinking, "What did this person think when tabbing this? It sounds nothing like the song." whatever But now I just spent an hour practicing "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters,...
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maybe we can talk more often this way...since i'm starting to think you're boycotting MSN. wink

[Edited on Jan 17, 2005 11:05PM]
Tie Fighter Ruled all, and Rogue Squadron was sweet too, but I havent tried Knights of the Old Republic ....