I was just about to leave the pier after visiting with my brother and his family, today they were flying double red flags which means nobody in the water except surfers if they are tethered to there boards, and of course they are. Two guys had been trying to catch a wave for a good hour and when we were ready to go I waited, everyone got halfway down the pier and this guy caught a wave long enough for four quick shots. Focused at the full 400mm.

Great pics! Surfing is something for me to try yet!
@ksew I haven't tried it yet either, I'm not sure my knees are up for it these days though.

This is the imitation Macro scene setting on the camera with a matchbox car and a Tamron 18-400mm. This time with Edge shaving cream as the surf and the same paper backgrounds. Still not as good as a Macro lense but much happier with these shots.


These are for a project. Not completely satisfied with either approach but I kind of like the first one best. It was actually shot with a Macro lens the second and third shot with the Macro scene settings on the camera (I'm not happy with my waves). The lighting was an issue using a regular lens and the Macro scene settings. Just using my zoom and manual settings would have done a better job I think but the second and third picture was what we were supposed to use. The scene settings don't do the justice of the Macro lense when it comes to allowing for a shallow depth of field though. I'll have to improve my paper background and start over tomorrow. Also my editing is off a little as the colors don't match but will blame it on the moon.

@pistache thanks it was kind of fun, I like the newest set best thouugh.
I love macro, its too pretty. I saw that(about the set), and thank you, btw <3

Just posted some new Social Media Sites for photos and things that may not make it here and additional content so at the moment I have no followers, feel free to jump aboard.


So I have two models that want to shoot outdoor nudes, which isn't easy between Panama City and Destin but I went to visit a buddy that's a park ranger (where I used to work) today and got the go-ahead to shoot there if we are discreet. They aren't busy right now so the time is perfect, the park is such a shift from dark...
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I've been using Model Mayhem to try to find models in the Florida panhandle, preferably near Panama City or Panama City Beach, but none of the models listed even log on for months at a time. Are there any better sites? I seriously need to work on my portfolio and hell I don't even know anyone here worth shooting. There seem to be active models...
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First of all, I'm going to get back on that comic strip project that takes place in Brazil so I'' do a recap post tonight including some examples of artwork. I'm trying to get back to writing and photography and other positive things since I've sort of recovered from last month's passing of my father. So stay posted if you feel like helping with that...
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Ok James didn’t send the art so it might be tomorrow

I took these in 2002 with a cardboard fuji and lost the negatives. A friend scanned the prints for me but scanned them in color (which brought out flaws, lots of lines) so I had to convert them back to black and white in Lightroom, I did as litle editing as possible except some extra vignetting on a few where the flash didn't provide as much as I wanted, plus the watermark. Otherwise, they are pretty much as is. I did add a camera profile to correct the lense distortion and cardboard Fuji is not an option.

these photos have a mysterious atmosphere. I like👏
@unita Thank you!  I need to go back to New Orleans sometime.

I meant to post that last update for that comic project last week but my father passed away last Tuesday so I've kind of put that on the back burner for a few weeks. I'll repost that project when I can pull myself together a little bit.

I'm sorry for that .. I hope you are well !!
So sorry for your loss 😢