hey all!!! i know i’m not good with posting here, sorry.. i keep trying to link up my IG to here cause i post almost everyday on IG, but for some reason it hasn’t been working for almost a yr. anyway, i hope everyone is doing well! i’m finally almost ready to get back in front of a camera again (other than for selfies 😂)...
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I hope you feel better 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕
Please post some results from the New York trip when/if you can. Love you @raenie! 😍😚🖤

hi all,

sorry i’ve been MIA for a long time&&all you see are my posts from IG. as most of you can relate, being a parent isn’t easy! so thank you to all who are forever still following me&&liking&&commenting my posts (I SEE YOU ALL!)

i’m hoping that after i fully transition into microblading/permanent make up, i will be able to dedicate more time to...
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Your morning routine is so efficient! :) Did you know it's gold worth to live so close to work! Sooo... my routine, I'm getting up between 5:30am and 6:30am, depending at which time I need to be in the office for meetings. First I'm making a hot cereal breakfast, a cup of black tea and many times a double espresso (cappuccino) too. While I eat breakfast I'm catching up on the news, watch morning TV, a bit of YouTube. Then getting a shower and dress for work. Traffic is really band on the "beltway" of our nations capital, so if I'm lucky, I can make it to the office in less than 20 minutes, but if it's raining or there is an accident it can easily turn into 1h or more.
A little self massage is always a good wake up routine 😘  idk if I really have a morning routine other than "Fuck! Is it really that time again?" Followed by some procrastination.