How did you manage to pose here (if you are a model) or shoot for SG (if you are a photographer)? How and why did you decide to become a member, both with payment or free (i mean a special SG tattoo)? Have you ever had any interesting experience of becoming friends, art or business partners or even lovers or more? What do you love...
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I was a member way back a long time ago when there weren't many other sites with edgy girls, or anything at all that was genuinely driven by the models themselves.  I let my membership go  for a very long time, then stumbled across one of those sites that pirate SG material.  After finding myself visiting it several times, I thought "WTF am I doing? I ought to just renew my membership and pay for what I'm enjoying... wonder if the community still rocks?"  Sadly, I couldn't remember or even find my old name.  I'm sure the "old me" still has comments on here somewhere...
SG has a great archive of creative and beautiful women in their own way being who they are at the time they do their photos. The range of photographers to models, lighting and themes is an amazing reference for me. I do a lot of illustration work, story writing , character development and comic art so if i had to choose between a regular nude reference site or SG I went with SG. I like reading about the women here because they are always so interesting and some just simple. In some ways I your all already a business partner because you feed my creativity daily ,come to think of it i should start posting my sketches of the ones i do to show more appreciation for the work you all do. I have also learned to not have any expectations and instead enjoy the mild or extensive conversations and if something should turn of it wonderful if not we have a new friendship. The worlds a tricky place where goals keep your drive and expectations can break you down and hope will always be there in aspiration to something great.

Finally my first set Grass Desert made with @aonbheannach is in MR! I know some of my followers have been waiting for it, and so did I, actually, as it would be a great honour for me to share something beautiful with you. Hope I haven't dissapointed your expectations. And in my today's blog I decided to share some facts about the set with you...just...
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Thank you for another one wonderful topic, @rambo and @missy ! I'll be short as usual ;)

Like any conscious person, I have a lot of things, ideas and principles for which I stand. For example, I believe that every person deserves the right to happiness, each person can learn and become better. Even my modeling career is built on my confidence in the truth...
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Greetings, me friens and lovely @rambo & @missy ! I'll be brief, as usually.

Painting is able to be named my hidden talent. I come back to it from time to time, during my trips and when I have some free time...
Also I have a huge photoset (not for SG, but for other Internet platform) partially dedicated to painting. Here are some shots:

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I love seeing what additional talents the models here have.  Out of curiosity, what are some of these talents you think it's necessary for women to perform to "represent"?
I see where you coming from now.  Yeah, all those things are important for men and women, but important to you as a woman to see in other women.  I feel the same, and sometimes think the same about men.  Of course I want everybody to be open-minded or thoughtful or whatever, but I want MEN to be because they reflect on me, in however small a way.