no replies to comments this time 'round.. i'm too busy. work, and moving. we're at the wire, and suddenly there's more to do than we thought. god fucking damn. i hate being this busy. my feet hurt. and i'm tired. and i have a full truck and trailer load to unload when i get to my parents house.


that would be miss raspberry tart! i really need to figure out how to make my costume... but i can't sew. haha... so yeah, could be interesting tongue
sorry to hear about what happened to your copy of 'ulysses'. i know what it's like to ruin or lose a personal favorite. hopefully, your margin notes are still legible. as for me, i'm still trying to figure out what happened to my copy of eco's 'the island of the day before' from the last time i moved. yeah, the text can be replaced, but your devotion to that particular copy can't. * sigh *
driving in the rain, today. pickup truck full of books and bookshelves, blankets and a table. so worried as i drove, that i wouldn't beat the rain - i'd forgotten to grab the tarp as i left. the first drops hit the windshield - slaps to my face punishing my forgetfulness. all i can think of are the soon to be crinkled, waterlogged pages of...
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yeah, walking and bussing in the rain is the worst.
it sucks to get wet with your clothes on frown
when i read this i could see myself driving. i could smell the rain and see the cars, i could hear the windshield wipers scraping over the glass. you are very talented.
slow inspired
fiery, tired.

much to say, no time to write it. i'm used to sleeping 10 hours per day. now i'm at eightish or less, which isn't quite enough for me. makes me dull. exercise will help.

i'm in this terrible poor place right now - we're OUT of money. all the way out. borrowing is the only thing to do at this point....
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Yeah, since I have a boyfriend I often fit into the idea of bi girl who just makes out with girls for her boy's sake, so I'm really uncomfortable with my own attraction to girls, I don't want to put out the wrong signal.
Heh, reality check. We exchange a few journal posts, I start thinking of you as an SG member and online acquaintance, and a new set goes up. Wake up, Ken - she's not just ANY girl, she's a SUICIDEGIRL.

I'll say it again - you have killer eyes. Nice body, I like your figure just fine, but the way your eyes relate to the camera is just something else.

Sorry to hear about the poor situation. It is temporary, but meanwhile I know that it sucks. We're rooting for you.

Thanks, honey. I hope they pet it in the end.
Law school sounds fun, er, interesting. Personally, I could get into just about any subject that's in my face, so may as well go with the most lucrative one.
I was gonna be an artist originally, but decided to do technical stuff instead, and I'm so absorbed by it now that the art world seems tiny in comparison, in both career and thematic possiblites.

Mental masochism isn't necessairly bad, being passionate seems to be against the physical grain, as it were, anyhow.
well, i got a job. one that pays well, and has benefits. in an office. the commute is going to be hellish, but i can deal with it. i'm still applying for a few more positions, though.

i should never write right after i get up. i never have anything to say.

i'm packing my books for the move.. we still don't know what we're...
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Huzzah for being employed! One day soon I hope to join the ranks of job havers, myself.

I think my main attraction to blog style is that it gives my journal, while reclusively staring at it, the cursory appearance of having some actual quantity of content, which is thus a reflection of my mind, thus obscuring that I'm totally bereft of any worldly or introspective insight whatsoever. Yep ... confused

[Edited on Aug 29, 2003]
I have a sincere love for plants. I'm not the best at keeping them alive, but my hubby helps with that. Sometimes I like plants more than people/animals. They are sweet and nice and unless they're weeds don't do anything to hurt anyone or anything. They just give off good energy.
i can't stand it when i'm not drunk and everyone else is. loud, unpleasant, people. they think that they are really funny. and they aren't, particularly. they make me want to hide or drink. and i really shouldn't drink. so i'll come hide with my sg friends, because they aren't drunk. listening to people, i can feel my heart beat. as though my chest is...
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You and this entry are absolutely beautiful...I think really good chocolate is better than sex by far. I need all of the things you mentioned in the last paragraph. Where do we find all of this and how do we deal until it happens? That's my current problem. The waiting for things to happen phase. Bye..Sorry to rant.
Thanks for being sweet and putting up with my rants. Take care my dear.
just got up. this jobless life, while it won't last for much longer, is really nice sometimes. sleep until you don't feel like sleeping anymore.. wake up and get out of bed when you're done cuddling..

it's a grey day today. it's beginning to be the fall - the leaves are dying and drying on the trees, the grass all golden and bleaching.

my walls...
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bush gardens @ 9 pm wednesday...don't worry...we are not snobby...just come down & have fun with us...

this is because Jetta's journal...noticed you are anti-social...this is quite alright...she doesn't speak much either...ohwell...hope you decide to come out...
mei, you don't seem crazy. in fact you seem one of the more sane heads in this sg drama. and i don't think there's anything wrong with experimenting on your mind and thought patterns, i do it all the time on my own mind.
i haven't read your thesis yet but will soon. how was it received? are you working toward a master's now? i have a bachelor's degree from many many years ago and have in the interim used it to land many boring, low-paying, utterly unfulfilling jobs. now i am seriously leaning toward graduate school because 1) i need an extended break from 9-5 m-f mind-numbing work and 2) most of what i do with my free time is study anyway so i might as well put the interest+energy toward a finite goal. if i do, and i probably will, the intent is to become a professor of literature. i can do teaching, this i know.
whirlwinds in the fields today. little brown tornados. whenever i can, i like to run into the middle of a whirlwind and feel it tug at my clothes before the air sighs and dissipates. i always sit in the bathtub until all the water is gone, to watch the silver twirling thread tentatively reach down the drain. it's the same thing - air and water,...
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your feelings about death: i wish it was not so scary for you. myself i feel an alien much of the time on this my resident planet and many terrestrial concerns leave me wondering whence the hell i really came. in a related story, i'm actually on good terms with death.

do you still have your ulysses thesis? i would love to read it and possibly show parts or all of it to anyone in my group that is having trouble adjusting to gliding (reading synaesthetically). there is one in the group who i already can see is going to want to comprehend every single word of it. he clutched for dear life his annotated bloomsday book. i'm afraid he's in for a harder ride than the rest... you can help save him, mei!

and i love the circe chapter so the fact that you're trying to think more like it intrigues me - how do you mean?
I saw your comment in trismeitus (did I get that right?) journal. Just so you know, if you are crazy you aren't alone. I am a large believer in lucid dreaming. I always try and see things beyond what is in front of me. It seems to work better if you are a lone, or at least alone with your thoughts.
i watched a woman today as she walked to the bus stop. her lank ashy hair barely fluttered as the cars drove by. she was one of those people that look like they might or might not be pregnant. grey and sackish, her tank top clung to her shoulders. i watched her mouth move, and the young student to whom she spoke checked his watch,...
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Thanks pixie, I think I like it darker too but I needed a change for a while.
Lately I find myself countering the people around me; everyone is moving constantly, pacing and I just stay still, either in a crouch or leaned up against something with these blurry forms just whipping back and forth around me.
Bus stops are like an alternate universe I think; just outside our dimension.wink
I would have wondered about an absent-minded scracthing of a nipple too, until I became a nursing mother. My nipples are no longer the sensual, sexual, center of eroticism they once were. Now they're just another body part. An important one (they were the sole source of my child's nourishment for the first 6 months of her life!), but no more sexual than an elbow.
i'd reply to y'alls, but my brain is still feeling like a tornado went through it.

and i don't have anything else to say, even - i just felt like the journal needed changing.


feel better, babe.
You remind me of a depiction of Bast tonight, I've been reading some old mythology texts and that just came into my head. I mean it's always good to be a goddess/god or at least look like one, maybe you're an avatar of Bast, she was always one of my favorite egyptian gods, probably because of the cats. wink
i am mad. crazyangryfrustrated. i don't know why. it doesn't make sense. i want to cry and roll around and throw things. or just go to sleep and forget i felt like this today. i still feel a little sick. i need to relax. i need to say soft happy things to myself until my brain stops teetering wherever it's run off to. but it...
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internal battles are the most bloody aen't they???
i feel ya!!!

exploding dog = big fun!!
cheer up--your brain will not get the best of you.....
I'm sorry. I'm weak when facing down my brain too, so what you're saying is all too familiar. But at least when I stop taking the medicine, the craziness that ensues isn't mine. Because my craziness doesn't stand a chance against what the medicine does. Only after I started taking it did they tell me that going off of it is very traumatic for some people. Once you start it, it's almost impossible to stop, because your body gets used to it and, for a unspecified amount of time, can't function without it. Lovely, isn't it? So I can't ever really stop, and that makes me sad.

I'm sorry for your troubles, love. *hugs* I'm here for you in any way I can be.