Home Made Vibrator

Earlier this year when I got back from Denmark my Mother bought me a gym membership at our local club. When I say "local" I mean you have to spend at least ten minutes in a car or an hour and a half (for me) on foot - the latter of which utterly negates the point of going there. In any case,...
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Not to take away from you baking your cell phone, but that is a pretty funny story. And I'm sure it isn't what you do, but your description about it ringing in your bra just gave me this image of you in your sports bra and this big cell phone-shaped protrusion on your left breast. And the funny looks people would give you while you're treadmilling or whatever your workout is. Made me chuckle smile

And in case anyone else misses it, I did get the washing machine reference. Had to laugh at that one too.
Alpha Bitch

I was recently sat with a friend discussing the details of my most recent "break up" and its subsequent renewal (i.e. falling out with someone then getting back together). Midway through the long, boring relating of events (I managed to eke it out to about twenty minutes though I could have done it with that first sentence) my friend suddenly turned to me...
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I don't think an Alpha is needed in a relationship necessarily. Group dynamics change as the group grows, so the need for an Alpha (or more than one) grows. If the group is very large, multiple sub-alphas might be needed. This is really just a break down of society or a corporate structure, tiered leadership. One look around you and you can see that it can work well or poorly.

In my opinion a successful relationship isn't a alpha and a subordinate, nor two identical people. It's two halves, with their own odd shape, that find their compliment. Are each of you a better person, now that you have the other? Do you each bring to the table what the other is looking for? I see a number of people who say this is what a partner MUST have, MUST give to me or be to me, but very little about what they have to offer that partner in return.
Thank you smile I fully agree that while Obama may not be the ideal candidate, he seems to be the best from the pool we have to choose. There is a lot of rhetoric and grand statements of ideals, but little discussion about how to accomplish it. Nonetheless, at least he's saying it. And I truly believe the US cannot continue to pretend we're the best country that ever was and ever will be, and our way is the only way.

Oh, and I hope your renewal is going well smile Reading your profile, seems like you are more inclined to be the alpha... wink
Is This A Trick Question?

According to a recent survey all of us get asked at least eight rhetorical questions every day - or if not in the strict terms of "rhetorical", then at least some wonderfully redundant ones. Since I have too much time on my hands and an enquiring mind I decided to take a random selection of those that have recently been...
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Guild Wars VS World of Warcraft.

Yes I am geeky enough to debate this since I now play both, but right now I'm going to focus on (fanfare please) ESCORT QUESTS!!!1one.

Admittedly they're fun in both games, but unlike in Guild Wars where you can hire lackeys if you wish to play the game alone, in Warcraft you're stuck on your own (unless either you...
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that was a wonderful rant. These are the tough choices upon which modern life is built. Im currently trying to choose between Warcraft and COD4 for this evenings pwnage.
My wish in a previous entry just came true. The Great British Summer has arrived!

Roughly three weeks ago we had snow - not the up-to-your-ass snow that I experienced last year in Denmark which drifted around and gave myself and my Danish ex-boyfriend a glorious time as we clambered merrily over bushes ordinarily taller than ourselves - but still. This past week and a...
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Warmth. A thing I have not. Mostly because my parents have the opinion that when indoors a person should put on twelve layers of thermal underwear before they even try and struggle into their Patented Indoor Snowsuit.

A few people have in the past wondered at my life choices and mentioned that they may effect me in times to come. Times such as my afterlife,...
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As I mentioned in my previous entry which chronicled my glorious return I'm back in England after a lengthy stay overseas. Much as I missed the place I'm annoyed to find my predictions about smoking laws to have done EXACTLY what I thought they would: sod all but inconvenience everyone.

It isn't that they don't actually WORK. Oh certainly everyone respectfully leaves the building to...
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Well it's been some time since my last update, and by "some time" I mean aeons. Literally years have passed since I bothered to write anything meaningful (or otherwise), during which time I have had roughly a million jobs and more "life experience" than I really care to remember. The only reason I'm writing this now is because I procrastinate terribly and if I don't...
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Well I have to say Thanx!, I read what you had to say in you profile, found you intriguing and honest, which is a breathe of fresh air for me these days.

If you like my car, then prepare yourself because I'm working with 1 of the SG photographers to find an SG to do a set with my nightmare for me car. It looks like it will happen in early to mid April, so watch out you might finally get to see her in her glory.

I'm embroidering my headrests with SG logo and having logo's done one the rear, sides and under the hood. Some other SG marking and we'll see if it makes her an SG too.
That would be GREAT to see a new set from you!
On a whim I decided to take a bunch of online tests swiped from the MySpace asylum of Lordelessar. Ordinarily I hate it when people use a journal entry to showcase this sort of thing as though those who created said tests actually know what the fuck theyre talking about, but given my present state of mind, frankly, I dont care. For once I...
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Hi there you don't update a lot doo you?
Still living in kolding i guess?
Anyway happy newyear!! love
Just in case anyone hadn't noticed I haven't updated since Jesus was in his manger telling all the artists to hurry up because he had to pay the shepherds by the hour. This is caused by some flaw in the universe that stops me doing so, however, I am back in England and back writing. Soon as I can post I will.
Stupidity gets up early; thats why events are accustomed to happening in the morning. Karl Kraus

Stupidity gets up early; thats why ordinarily Im nocturnal. Felidae

Stupidity gets up early; but as were awake lets put the Insert key right next to Backspace. Microsoft

Stuity gets up eaFUCK OFF AND DIE! Felidae

This exercise in venting has been brought to you by my attempting to...
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who out there has read "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand? Amazing book!!!

I cannot say that it is chaging me, because i already lived my life that way... but it is making me realize tbat i am not alone in my state of mind.


(or let him live shortly as long as he is happy!)
OI OI Hows tricks? Blah Blah Goin to any good shows?