From aeterna


I don't know if you ever log in anymore, but I've been looking at some old photos from 2011 and 2014 and decided to drop by. Hope you're doing splendidly. You are missed!

$5.00 Tip From reallybadnik


Stunning - compliments to both the Model & Photographer - beautiful poses & expressions, well-thought angles and lighting :-)

$3.33 Tip From reallybadnik


Stunningly beautiful and intimate <3

$6.66 Tip From reallybadnik


This is the set that brought me to SG :)

From babyfunk


Hello, I remember your photos from when I first joined SG in 2006. Still think you’re very beautiful and still enjoy your sets. Thank you very much and hope you’re doing well. 


I'm not sure if you still come here but, in case you do, check out this interesting story about a 16 year old taxidermist. It made me remember, many years ago, reading your blogs in which you talked about your passion for taxidermy.


Hi and hello! I hope it’s not too weird for this out of the blue, but I’m new here and just saw in your posts mentions of Scotland. I would have loved to talk about the Scottish elections and independence vote back when it was happening if I was on. I’m American by birth but Scottish/Norwegian by descent, but I’ve been fortunate to have been able to visit Edinburgh twice in life. I don’t think cities but I loved that one. Been to the World’s End and Bad Ass Bar, climbed the back alleys of Royal Hill, and even found some teeth and bones in the Old Cannongate cemetery( which was a fun story to tell back home). Fell in love with the highlands in the north where (some) of my family came from. It felt like coming home. I’ve been all over the world and back, and Scotland felt more ‘me’ than even the States. Well, so, I just wanted to say thank you for showing your thoughts and soul and beauty. You show that you’re a true and genuine person, and that’s real beauty. Ok, diatribe over. —Chewie

From dragan3


You my dear are as beautiful as a sunset over the lighthouse at Lossiemouth or the northern lights above said view x