So, as promised. Even though I can't stand complaining, I feel the need to explain my absence.

I've really been struggling for the past 12 months. Having been independent I moved into a situation which wasn't ideal for my state of mind. I argued with a bunch of people; my illness creating tensions where there previously were none. People and situations have slipped out of...
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Though it might seem hard (and out of personal experience): Please keep going and don't give up. Every little step is better than no step. Take your time to feel well and do what makes you feel good. For me it is my time with my "bitches", walking outside and enjoying a good walk with two girls who love unconditionally. It may sound odd, but don't push yourself too hard, just go with it naturally and maybe try to establish some sort of a routine? Don't be mad at yourself, although it sometimes might seem tough, and think more about what you have done well for you instead of being angry. I lost over 48 pounds simply by cutting the amounts of my meals and it took me approximately six months without doing extra sports (and I am doing Capoeira and Pro Wrestling). I also had problems with my left knee, but with a little specail training I made it feel a lot better. It may sound weird, but try to be proud of even small progressions. And quite frankly, if you reach out for some words here on SG there will always be someone here willing to help you and write you a lot of positive things. Sending some big warm cuddles your way! Keep it up, you're great!
Adorable, Sexy and Lovely... Love, Kisses and Hugs

Would just like to thank everyone for being patient with me. I'm just making my way out of a horrific depression that has taken up just over a year of my life. I will write more about everything soon, but I'd like to let you all know that I'm still here, still alive, and still really thankful for the love you've left on my photos,...
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Wishing you all the best, if you're happy to share then I'm happy to listen!
Take your time, you are not alone. I’m at the tail end of getting out of one myself. (At least I can hope) If you need to talk, there are countless of amazing people here that will give you the time to do so 🙂